HUSHYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. BabyAcid? gave me a really cool picture last night. It was with myself and Dave99 getting the WTF award and me shushing the camera (go to the website to see it) He had edited it to be a promo type picture for Unknown Armies, called it HUSH and it was very SHINY! Then me like a PRAT leaves it behind at the One Ring. But Wendy said it has been stuck up in the bar somewhere. EOY party last night was cool. Was nice seeing some people again...was the second time I saw Adeeb yesterday (had run across him at Outer Limits during lunch) No one says "FUCK FACE" quite like him. And showed Yancke the picture of the guy from Prima Privatti whom we thought looked like him. Said he couldn't see the similarities...everyone else that saw the picture had a good laugh. Will post it when I get a blue-tooth dongle to download stuff off my phone. Sophie's Ghost were really cool. Simon said it was only their third performance and I really enjoyed it. So did everyone else. hell we got them to do an it was a cool gig. Beyond that the night was spent with the usual chatting about RPG sessions, Star Trek, Babylon 5 (no cringing) even heard Andromeda being thrown around in the proudly sci-fi geek corner, KoLing? , computer games and whiskey. Not just any whiskey, but Scotch whiskey. Now I'm sitting here vegging...I love my job. It allows me to veg :-D And I found out I'm not as paranoid as I thought was... Here some bloopers from the original Star Wars movie: And 190 days to the BDM Comment: wtf? (by FirstFallen? on 2004-10-14 13:25:33)umm, what's a BDM? i'm guessing it's not Big Delicious Marshmallow. or Bring Down Mussolini. Comment: Re: wtf? (by BlueHands on 2004-10-14 15:18:19)BDM = Big Damn Movie. The Firefly fans name for Serenity Comment: sewiously (by FirstFallen? on 2004-10-14 16:30:40)oh, i see. that's so, umm, fanboy. i like firefly and all, but weawwy, tla's for movies that aren't even the movie's name are lame.:-p |