GrrrrrrrrrYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I wish that actually knowing ms-office was a requirement for students wanting to study here. But alas that will not be...for now anyway. It's interesting - I had my thoughts sorta laid out on my way to work and now that I'm here I've gone blank. I think if I had written it down I would have balled the page up and tossed it. Spent yesterday reading cos there were either no students or they were actually capable of doing stuff themselves. Last night I was watching the last couple episodes of Millenium, the devil offering Frank a job was interesting. And as much as I really really want to buy the second season, with having to save money for next year, I'm going to have to pass. Was up to after midnight watching Practical Magic cos someone wouldn't let me sleep...maybe it was my own fault, but considering I know how my patterns work I doubt it. I've got to just accept stuff...I been told not to anaylse everything and just accept. Easier said than done. Some things demand analysis otherwise I might just miss the point completely like stuff that was shown to me on sunday. Other times I have to simply be accepted whether it clicks or not. If it clicks it's a lot's the not clicking ones that make life miserable...if you let it. I have a concern...but it is my concern to bear, whether or not it's real is beside the point. It's still mine. |