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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Have a "Joy, Joy Day"

no matter how many times I've seen it I always enjoy watching Demolition Day. Which was followed by Jeremiah. The idea of a getting some people to live the ideal life so that you can live the ideal life seems absurd. I was left thinking about soaps...oddly enough. People say they mirror real life, if that's the case: why do you never see people in them watching tv?

Sent saturday watching Millenium and working - blegh! Spent the evening on Camps Bay beach. Forgot how much fun can be had playing soccer and rugby in the dark. I was with guys from the church and for the first time in a long long time I actually felt comfortable being around them. After fighting the urge not to be the christian for so long, just being was a huge relief. At one point while they were praying I wandered off and they never asked me about it. Although I'm not going to volunteer the fact that I'm not a christian anymore, if they ask I'm not going to lie. It was fun just hanging out with no real feelings of guilt or confusion.

Spent yesterday looking at cars and buying paper...was fun and also smsing the uk for a little while. Although Matthew's last sms to me disturbed me a lot, visual imagery involved, but I'm sure he was kidding. Also started a vampire game (2nd ed) for some teens - should be interesting having them playing, although I've got a funny feeling it's going to turn into a bloodfest week after week. Rest of the evening spent chatting to guys from church and throwing old magazines out.

Now I'm sitting her facing the prospect of a new day and wondering how the hell the IT guys in Randburg managed to delete my profile from the system - no email. ARGHHHHHH!!!!! Feel like doing a beserker (kinda like on Eric the Viking) :-)

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Page last modified on October 25, 2004, at 07:24 AM