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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I ate myself silly on marshmallow easter eggs over the past week...2 boxes worth. fortunately I did a lot of running and walking around.

Let's see ten-pin bowling, seeing Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (for the first time), watching the Lemony Snicket film (I recommend it heartily) and Robots (funny) by saturday. Saturday evening was Fuzzy's 30th and we were at Baghdad Cafe - nice place. Chatted to some people I haven't had decent conversations for a while. At one point asked Simon how many people there weren't from music/sound industry - including myself 7, but I think that was after Lara, David, Ian and Michelle had left. Made it home at about 11am sunday morning. Evening ended up being another late night(for the record: Greens in constantia closes at 10:30ish pm on a sunday night, no matter how much you beg for them to stay open)...but time was also well spent smsing Newcastle and all.

Yesterday ran first session of Con X...there were a couple more people than I expected...but it went okay. Although the bus driver blowing his brains out astonished some.

I must admit I've been wondering:
Does Superman have fingerprints? If the US is anything like SA then by the time you're 20 or so there's a copy of your fingerprints on file. If I wanted to know who Superman was I'd run his prints cos Clark Kent must have had his fingerprints taken at some point.
Kinda dumb I know...

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Page last modified on March 29, 2005, at 01:30 PM