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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. and one day since my last posting

and it'll most likely be my last posting for a while - at least until I get to regular internet access again.

Let's see - what can I bore you with...

last friday went for drinks with my baby sister - ran into my sister and bf plus friends on the way out. What was funny was the people's reactions when Dani went "Hi, I'm Danielle, Shaun's baby sister" and them turning to Gaenor going "I didn't know you have a sister" at which point she goes "I don't. she's Shaun's sister not mine"
After that met Dani's new boyfriend - she really wanted my stamp of approval (dunno why) and Karl was trying to avoid meeting me until I had gone. But he's a great guy...I like him.

Saturday finished up at the public library - they even gave me a bottle of wine. After that went to Fuzzy's via home to discuss notes for his Conspiracy X campaign that he's rerunning for a new group. After we went through some of the notes we headed out. He paid for everything - his way of saying good-bye. Was cool - unsupervised guys night out. Lots of drinking :-D and having fun. Details withheld to not offend sensitive viewers. Actually it was the first time in a long time where vows of silence didn't have to be taken.

Sunday woke up late and spent afternoon going through more con x stuff before I ran a starter game for his group - kinda of a get them together in the first place story. Nothing major BUT I did learn the importance of having ALL the info of the characters when playing - never DMed? some one else's group before.

From monday until now have been running with the replacement librarian - her claim to fame, she's the daughter-in-law of one of the IFP head honchos. still she seems capable and I gladly let her run the library while I sit in the corner playing on the computer. She can call me when she gets stuck - she's happy with the arrangement.

Now I have to look at the weekend coming up - tonight dinner with Avril, paintball tomorrow morning and larp in evening (if anyone pulls out of that their character is dead - DMs? have decided) Sunday might go out with Antz and see the guys in the evening.

And I'm still very ambivalent about flying next friday...I like that word "ambivalent"

and also I want to get this shirt at some point: http://www.pvponline.com/images/news/joss.jpg

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Page last modified on June 10, 2005, at 05:50 AM