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Market Price:

  • 50Bz (averge cond.)
  • 250Bz (mint cond.)
  • 200Bz (ordinary musket)

The dodelikedonderbus, or likke as it is colloquially known, is noteworthy for being extremely unreliable, even (or perhaps especially) under the best conditions. Its appearance is that of an ordinary front-loading musket, except for the delicate metal filigree which extends back from the barrel to form a guard around the stock. Frequently, the filigree is broken off by arms dealers in the hopes that the weapon may pass as an ordinary musket.

One group which does make use of the donderbus is the fantical Mother's Army. Among veterans, wielding a likke in battle is seen as a sign of true dedication to the cause, and perhaps of putting one's fate in the hands of a higher power. The tactic (if it can be called such) is surprisingly effective. Even seasoned troops have been known to break and flee at the sight of a Mother's Army squadron loading their filigreed muskets.

It has been rumored that in extremely unreliable circumstances, the donderbus may, paradoxically, become highly effective. For example, among the Koaltor Tribe, the tale of how General Abregrand slew a Dubious Elephant with one is oft repeated. There may be some truth to this tale as it explains Abregrand's fondness for this eccentric firearm. Empirical evidence of this effect is, sadly, lacking, and important questions remain unanswered: what exactly are "unreliable circumstances", and how unreliable do they have to become before the dondelikedonderbus lives up to its name?

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Page last modified on May 08, 2006, at 06:55 PM