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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. A form of ecosystem which has gained ground in recent centuries. Dee has replaced large stretches of forest and marshland and is now one of the most durable habitats known to man.

The signifiers of Dee landscapes include:

1. Shingle capsules grow up to 40 meters high in Dee, and will incubate as many as 6 bugbears before they burst.

2. Bugbear furrows trans-sect the deescape deeply, creating a network of shadowed, moist and fertile canyons ideal for travel and habitation, except for the occasional occurrence of, well, bugbears.

3. Shingle debris takes years to settle and can be stirred up by the faintest breeze. This results in the characteristic caustic haze that hovers over Dee.

4. Greyscalers breed in the dust. They are able to fly in the dense Dee haze, and rise from the ground to abandon their sluggish crawl and cavort happily, ingesting bugbear droppings.

Dee has proved rather inhospitable to humans. Mutant Roach People, however, have embraced it and often settle there, squirming in the furrows, feasting on shingle debris and taming Greyscalers to fly across Dee, hunting bugbears and whooping with joy.

The Mutant Roach colonisation has brought with it the inevitable propagation of Asphalt Agaric, which they like to be able to nibble on at all times. This has had a tendency to bind shingle dust, grounding greyscalers and annoying bugbears. A campaign to douse all Asphalt Agaric with finnetronic acid is underway.

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Page last modified on March 29, 2006, at 12:32 PM