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The minutes of Tuesday October 5 2004

Sean apologised for working.
:Presents:Under the Christmas tree were: Graham, Hendri, Ian, John, Michelle, Mike, a giraffe, a pelly and me


The Scrivener has not yet reached his if-one-more-person-asks-me-about-the-wiki limit. The Scrivener pointed out that until you hear the wiki is up, you can assume it is down. The Scrivener will in fact email the cthulist once the wiki is up. In the meanwhile, he will email the cthulist to explain the if-it's-not-up-it's-down protocol. (*)

October LARP

There was talk of By Invitation Only happening this Friday. I was too busy trying to get it to run any time but Friday to pay attention, so what's happening?

Sean to contact Shelagh? (*)

WORG Games Day

October 16th, 30th anniversary of D&D - held at Wynberg Boys High from 09h00

d@vid to post to cthulist (*)
Ian to collect names/number of attendees to submit to Davi (WORG Chair) (*)

We need willing GMs?. Enourage people, people.

End of year party

Venue: The One Ring

Date: Wednesday October 13 2004
Time: 21h00+

Sophie's Ghost -> R500

Announcement needs to be made (Ian?) (*)

Dragonfire 2004

The Chaosium prizes have arrived. Don't tell anyone. (*)

Mike to send notification/thank you (*)
Mike to post mugs (*)

d@vid to post local mugs (*)

Dragonfire 2005

All Flesh - Alex & Michelle (as previously reported)
Unknown Armies - Hendri & Brendan & their nipple rubbing escapades

  • Mike pointed out that we should contact Atlas for actual sponsorship (*)
    Witchcraft - Lucas

    Sorcerer - d@vid

Need more fleshed out submissions. (*)

Old committee

Mike has submitted informal committee report to KD Hindle.

LOS -> Mike to submit to Mark (*)

Grant application

Graham to look over before handin on Wed Oct 6. Done.
Ian to make a photocopy before submission. (*)

Orientation availability

(in order of earliest available date)

should be available from January
:Hendri: loose & available
probably from January
:Michelle: until the beginning of February
after February 3
:Graham: until February 5, then after February 11
definitely from February 13, probably earlier


New SRC have not organised Orientation 2005? yet. (Still "settling in" to their comfy chairs? Haven't crashed a Merc yet?)

RAG Diary: R228 for a one-liner

  • Ian to confirm details, eg description, use of URL rather than number (*)

Gazebo: Sean to follow up on making, d@vid on pricing. (*)

Demos at stalls. Roleplaying, wargaming, Blood Bowl.

Ian to look into tables and space once SRC have started "working". (*)

Orientation LARPs suggested: Ever After, Roxy, High Seas

Need confirmation (*)
Need to book Richard Luyt (*)

CLAWmarks 32

Article proposal deadline: December 1

  • no articles not proposed will be accepted
  • article proposees will be harrassed until they submit

Article submission deadline: January 16 (initiate extreme beatings)

CM editing: January 23

Software: Whatever Ada decides. Ada is layout monkey by plea bargain.


Hendri suggested involvement in charity events.

(WORG Day used as an example, but that's not really a charity, is it?)

Then other discussion happened but I reshuffled it for clarity, then we were "done like the son of a gun". And then I did the minutes in a reasonable amount of time, too, so no excuses on the gazebos, Eric.

Andrea, I have a cheque from Mike for you. (*)

Well, it's made out in your name, so unless I change mine, it's useless to me.

(*) Designates a Thing to Do.



Kelly did all his feats upon
The Devil's looking-glass, a stone

Where, playing with him at bo-peep,
He solv'd all problems ne'er so deep.
* Samuel Butler, Hudibras

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Page last modified on November 01, 2004, at 02:36 PM