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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. You know those people who ask for one thing, then change their mind because something else came up, then they have to change the thing that they changed their mind about already..... Well that is what one of the Course conveners that I work for thinks I am. It was truely unintentional. It all started when I was asked to teach another 3 classes a week, and when you get paid per class, it kinda makes sense to jump at any opportunity to get more classes. Problem being, of the 3 new classes, 2 clash with something I am already teaching, so I say, let me see if there are any tutors willing to swap with me...... one, of the classes, it seems i can swap, all good, other seems impossible, so I do some sweet-talk-harrasing.... still nothing. Then the first possible change falls through. Fine, it all looks good, will just have to tell lecturer if new course, if he can fit it into my timetable, I will teach it... he says he doesn't think it is possible, okay, got enough dosh to cover the bills when it finally comes in, so no stress, then I get told people have made a plan to swap the other class, but now I don't want to because it will mean going to campus 4 times a week instead of 3 with no extra classes..... I say I no longer want to swap my class.... I become royal pain in the bum.... very apologeticly though.....

but otherwise, tuts started today, bloody 3rd years destroyed my class by telling 4 (out of 11) that the room they were looking for was on a different floor to where it really was, so with usual first week mayhem, I get 4 students in the first 10min of the class, fine it only 2nd week of term, people are still getting lost, 25min into class someone arrives, and tells me she has been upstairs in room 109 (we're in room 9) because a third year told her "it says 109 on the door but it is really 9" and after 20 min the other 3 left saying they weren't waiting any longer.... so 3 missing, 4 in the wrong room, and 4 in class........

Note to self, never leave errands to after class if it ends at 4:10, it took me over 1h30min to get home because I went to find out about getting books so that I know what I am teaching, therefore leaving campus at 4:30 and getting home just after 6pm...... mutter mutter. Hopefully all will be better tomorrow.... andmaybe I can even get my staff card so that I can get through the booms to get onto campus, and then maybe just maybe I will be allowed in staff parking so I don't have to hunt high and low for somewhere to park in amongst the students of UWC.

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Page last modified on February 14, 2005, at 06:20 PM