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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well the second week of term started at UWC this week, so I started teaching, some of my students are cool and I think I will get along well with them, but I think there is also a contigent who are very much going to be the "why are we here" group that really dont want to be learning....

finally met the person who I share and office with on thursday, think we will get along fine, since there is going to be no "but I need the office now" since I teach during almost all her conultation times, and she is friends with all the othe postgrads/tutors that she spends more time in their offices than ours. It is not that I object to sharing an office, but it is really difficult to have a discussion with a student when someone else wants to have a discussion with another student in a 3x4m room....

Interuption: HitchHikers? the movie: trailer is awesone, and Zaphod's arm and head :-D and the vogons are so vogon.... have to see

Went to Dave's house warming on friday, was cool, saw some people I haven't seen in a while.

Saturday, had a mad day. Went to Blue Route (i did leave it till after 1pm but that didn't help much) which was a mad rush. decied to make "not quite sushi" for lunch, then discovered food moths in the rice :-( so this being me threw the entire thing or riceaway, had to scrub down the entire cupboard and check every item for food moths or lavae or eggs... sent Norman to the shop for more rice, and by the time all this was done, the sushi ended up being for dinner... Then after all that went to the claws O-week party, was cool, but didn't really find myself mingling with the bobs, when I finally did find myself involved in a conversation that included some of them, I ended up reverting to my computer conversation smile and nod.

Went to gym today, now walking like an old lady cause all stiff, must go more often so that is not the case.

Don't forget my birthday this week, the party is on friday :-D most people (i would prefer to have met you at some point before you arrive on the doorstep:-))welcome, contact me (or norm) if you don't know where Norm and me live 083 375 1437.

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Page last modified on February 20, 2005, at 07:54 PM