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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. You expected me to actually say something meaningful, well not gonna happen anytime soon :-D just arb ramblings and rants here.

End of term marking groan

Going on holiday next week though YAY Hopefully the brats finishing school wont have made it to Plet yet, and if they are likely to, dont tell me, I am going to pretend they are not there if i see them:-D

Very sad I now only have two kitties (there used to be 3) because the old one left and hasn't come home in 2 weeks :-(

On Friday I decided I pity most lecturers and tutors who had to deal with my lazy friends. Primarily because I am now the tutor having to deal with a bunch of lazy don't want to be there students, who think 53% (the department I work in doesn't allow us to give marks between 48 and 53) is great. But hand scribbled, spider in the ink-pot essays that are incoherent and just plain bloody aweful are well just that, bloody aweful to mark! But on the bright side, What they don't hand in I don't have to mark {cool}

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Page last modified on October 09, 2004, at 06:36 PM