CLAWs Forums » Wargames and Boardgames

"Warhammer" the sham wargame

(46 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by StormMaker
  • Latest reply from StormMaker
  1. Are you serious?

    You said:

    in the cthfuschia posts there was a lot of talk of play by email diplomacy. i have someone's copy of diplomacy and have often thought that it would make a fantastic play by email game. i am willing to host a game, but i would need some assistance (mostly to keep darkoutthere from killing me). we can start almost as soon as there are enough players and we can agree on how it wouid be run

    I am correct to understand an agreement on how the game should be run is still in debate here?

    my thought was to use a digital camera and email the layout of the board after each turn. only problem is that i don't have one, so i would need a lovely assistant. now we just need some more players

    Here is an offer to run the game. But unfortunately you do not have all the components. It seems you are still looking for assistance and I do not see a final decision.

    i think all of you have missed the point of my offer. i have the board game, but i think that the get together and play for 20 hours style of play is a little much. also, i don't have the time for that (even on weekends, before you ask). i quite like the idea of moving the pieces around on a real board, and to allow people to come over and look at something tangible. people could come over to watch the turns being played out, or they could wait for the email to go out

    my offer still stands, to run the game as i described it

    p.s i am keen to play board games, i have a swanky one called rune bound that needs playing

    So here we have a live and pbem game options offered. After discussing a few ways of doing it including pbem clients and what not, by the forum members, I still see no consensus.

    right, so now that some time has past and the flames have died down a bit, we can try this again. so far i have schpat and stormthingy interested in diplomancy, is anyone else interested? we need seven players

    Yes, you are correct I did not read this the 1st time; I did not even participate in the thread. What was I thinking asking this silly question? Oh it’s because I actually failed to see a finale decision made. So I will ask the question again, Will the game be pbem? If so what client will be used? Or more specific, what pbem client will be used?

    Feel free to answer or ignore. I am sure you have your player openings filled already.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. I am still keen

    either way

    lets have a suggestion for a start time and a call for final players

    possibly if it was combined with social gathering?

    ironic givn how we sit on a slope, how slow and difficult momentum is

    oohh and finally

    kiss my spartan hair products; munchin is a cool game (at least I think it ;=]>)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Our first non-meta flamewar! The forum is all grown up!

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. dystopia
    code monkey

    you say you didn't read the thread, therefore your rights to make comments can't be revoked because they don't exist. secondly, i will demonstrate how a consensus was reached, if you missed it. i described a style of play, then i mentioned that i was going to run a game in that style. everything else was fluff that people felt they needed to contribute. i have no desire to use any of the suggested methods and at no point did i even vaguely express an interest in them.

    I am correct to understand an agreement on how the game should be run is still in debate here?

    no, there is no debate, there never was.

    Here is an offer to run the game. But unfortunately you do not have all the components. It seems you are still looking for assistance and I do not see a final decision.

    the components are not hard to find, and the interested players can help me out there. (plus i now have a 2megapixel phone on my camerea, which should be adequate)

    So here we have a live and pbem game options offered. After discussing a few ways of doing it including pbem clients and what not, by the forum members, I still see no consensus.

    no, we have a mutant hybrid. though, it is mostly pbem, with semi live play for those interested

    Yes, you are correct I did not read this the 1st time; I did not even participate in the thread. What was I thinking asking this silly question? Oh it’s because I actually failed to see a finale decision made. So I will ask the question again, Will the game be pbem? If so what client will be used? Or more specific, what pbem client will be used?

    and just because i am feeling reall grown up about this: your suck

    p.s you are a nazi. so the flamewar is over

    p.p.s confluece: does that mean that i can delete his account now?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. p.s you are a nazi. so the flamewar is over

    p.p.s confluece: does that mean that i can delete his account now?

    No no no, you see, you invoked the Common Misconception of Godwin's Law; that means that you automagically lose and he deletes your account. Or at least he could if he had admin access.

    I vote that you mud-wrestle instead, and record the event on your camera phone.

    ETA: I thought CryoPhobia was someone he is in fact not; silly me. :D

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. dystopia

    Thank you so much for your reply. I see you failed to notice my sarcasm.

    you say you didn't read the thread, therefore your rights to make comments can't be revoked because they don't exist.

    No worries though, you did answer my question in the end.

    no, we have a mutant hybrid. though, it is mostly pbem, with semi live play for those interested


    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. ricekake87

    wow. you guys (and girls) realy take warhammer badly. my friends and i joined Claws so that we could meet other enthusiasts.
    Was I wrong?
    plz assist in my transformation.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. Dude, StormMaker doesn't like Warhammer. I think he's the only person who said anything (disparaging or otherwise) about it; the rest of the thread is a flamewar about Diplomacy.

    There isn't more wargaming discussion here because the forum isn't very well-attended. I do know at least two CLAWs people who are warhammer enthusiasts (but I don't think they post here). I think they play in tournaments, and stuff; I don't know details because I'm not a wargamer myself.

    There was some discussion on our chat mailing list, Cthfuchsia (which this forum is supposed to replace); in fact, this thread was started as a response to an email about wargaming, which had info about people playing Warhammer. I'll ask the writer if I can repost it here.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. keeper

    The e-mail concerning the wargaming is included in StormMakers original post.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. Aha! Maybe I should read instead of skimming. It was top-posted, though. ;)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. ricekake87

    this is true.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. StormMaker's post touches on 2 important points.

    Games Workshop Games is not cheap and they know how to run the money machine:
    "I am sure to be flamed for this but Gamesworkshop and its products are to
    wargaming, as Diesel to clothing retail."

    The following is my take on it so YMMV. I played WH40K for 2 years before the change to the 4th Edition release and collected 3 armies. As everyone knows with the 4th Edition came the changes to the codexes and as a result new armies "forcing" you to start looking at new units to comply with the WYSIWYG type of army building. At this point I decided enough is enough, what was meant to be a clarification of rules was going to result in me spending more money to keep up with the new "put your race here" rules.

    Games Workshop could just as well be printing money. Now, I think any miniature based game is expensive purely based on the exchange rate, e.g. Rackham - and Flames of War - ), but constant rules and army updates is silly.

    I've seen guys playing Rackham, the guys imported the miniatures themselves and Flames of War is distributed in SA by SA Miniatures - . This brings me to StormMaker's 2nd point (Actually his 1st point).

    War gaming does not equal WarHammer / WarHammer 40K:
    "No disrespect intended but I think it is a very sad indication of the sorry state of wargaming if the current situation in CT is only that of Warhammer and the products of Games workshop."

    So very true. There are a various types of war games out there:

    - Miniature based
    - Counter based
    - Block games

    these are again grouped into tactical, strategy and operational type games, with minis falling in the tactical group.

    Strategy and operational games are again split into hex, area and point-2-point movement games.

    And if this isn't enough these games have varying game mechanics beyond just movement, i.e. dice based, card driven, I go you go (IGYG) and impulse driven.

    I am sure the above is not exhaustive, but covers the most common types. So yes, playing only an IGYG miniature war game is a sorry state of war gaming.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  13. Yancke

    I hate you all for not playing L5r. But aparently they are busy with a board game so maybe i can getpeople intersted when it comes out.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  14. Yancke

    And seriously, warhammer 40/fantasy, is what it is and is popular. If you dont like it dont play, as you clearly have opted to do. I stopped too after spending many many Rands. (Large Darkangels and Tyranids models) And Many many hours of painting/customising/sculpting.
    Stop yer bitching.

    Beside I think Wysiwig was a good idea. I was soooo tired of coke can dreadnaughts and God knows what else. I can actually paint minutures and i think it forced people to put together better looking models. So whatever.

    And frankly some of those models look fantastic. Where do you get models that cool?
    Ye there are some cheaper games. ASL is all cardboard, but people arent falling over themselves to play it cuz many consider it boring. (due to lack of Pizazz, and frankly some people like simpler rules.) I will concede the massive luck factor involved, but whey are you surprised.

    Those cubes are called dice. You know? Random chance.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  15. Without the dice it would not be called a game now would it :)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  16. Steps out from the mist and slurs:

    @ Yanke
    "Ye there are some cheaper games. ASL is all cardboard,"
    And RPG's are just books and pieces of paper and plastic dice, the whole industry is about making so much more with the props given. I think a game that requires more intelligence and imagination, given that it may have a smaller fan base as the IQ lvl's increase, should be cherished not derided.

    " but people arent falling over themselves to play it cuz many consider it boring. (due to lack of Pizazz, and frankly some people like simpler rules.)"
    Yes I do concede this, but can the same not be said about RPG and wargames versus CCG. It seems the modern consumer wants less concentration and thought with more engaged interaction. Take the rise of game consoles, heck why bother to think just sit and mentally masturbate whilst pushing your little controller buttons. We roleplay because we want more, we wargame because we want in depth interaction, personally ASL is another link to explore the dynamic that was WWII.

    Simpler is not better, just simpler, and if you find complexity boring and a real link to historic battle a lack of Pizazz (ASL has an incredible link to real history in WWII) and thus a need for realism, then yes ASL is not for you.

    But to shoot a game down because its too complex for you, is a fool making an argument where they self identify, and you ain't no fool, otherwise you would be playing a first person shooter, or facebook or watching weeble....

    Posted 17 years ago #

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