CLAWs Forums » The PBF game

Anyone interested in a play-by-forum game?

(48 posts)
  • Started 17 years ago by confluence
  • Latest reply from Astral_Daemon
  1. Hi, everyone,

    More setting info is coming soon. In the meantime -- those of you who will be writing exams: when are they starting?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Yancke

    Doesnt the "ragtag misfits" approach severly limit the number of players?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Not necessarily. Even a small spaceship can have ten crewmembers.

    In related news, I have a character generation rule: no loner characters! Every character must have a pre-existing connection with at least one other character -- something that makes them like and trust each other, and some common goal that gives them a reason to stick together.

    I don't expect you to come up with details until more of the setting has been filled in, but bear it in mind and leave room in your character concept for at least one friend / colleague of some kind.

    I don't want the premise of the game to be "ten completely random strangers are forced together by circumstances"; that way lies a fractured party, and lots of railroading and cat-herding.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. OOPMan

    Sounds like a good idea :-)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Well, I am in, and here is a character concept for you to mull over, and poke holes at (I still need to read through the Window so, no stats).

    Name: Abraham Zhukovski (might change the name)
    Ever since he was a little boy, Abraham (Abe, as he insists his friends call him) has wanted to become a space captain, but due to his fathers influence, he went into accounting, and lead a fairly boring life.

    A couple of months/years ago (however long we decide the crew has been together), he was contacted by an old friend of his (another PC). The trading vessel that his friend was part owner of has been getting into financial trouble, and Abe used his savings to purchase partial ownership of the ship, and to bail them out of the problems.

    Having finally achieved his dream of becoming a space trader, he still finds that it involves a lot of accounting. With someone who is actually competent in business on-board, the ship is doing a lot better.

    Abraham is slight of stature, and just getting used to living away from his fairly sheltered origing, although he is still very naive in some ways. In addition to his business sense, he is useful when dealing with officials, governements and that sort of thing.

    So, there he is, any suggestions. thoughts, comments?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. Hooray! Space accountant! :D

    That sounds good. You can fill in more specifics once there are specifics to fill in...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. OOPMan

    Hmmmmmmm, I can see I'm going to have to whip something up during lunch sometime this week :-)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. akika

    Leetheelee doctor type looking for old childhood non-Leetheelee friend of some sort... Someone I haven't seen in a while, who is on a ship just waiting for someone with medical skills that wants to do something more adventurous while helping people...
    And, the joy of not having seen each other for a long time - we don't know too much about what the other's done in the meantime and so can have some in-character feeling-each-other out time, as well as gut-based reactions from our childhood...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. Astral_Daemon

    Exams run from the 1st to the 14th I believe. But fate has chosen to have all of my exams happen between the 1st and the 7th.

    Here's my character idea (version 0.99):

    Naruk is an old miner from a long lived tribe of miners. I was thinking that he had an epiphany and became one of the miners who are slightly more intelligent and existential than most. (Forgive me if that's somewhat stale but 'troll angry troll smash' can get boring after the first few squished humans)

    He originally came from a fairly isolated moon in some corner of creation. He was a fairly normal miner for the first 250 years. Dig, eat, dig, eat, oooh diamond! yum! eat, dig, eat, etc. Life was blissfully ignorant until Naruk actually meet people from one of the squishy races. One of them (another pc? Any takers?) introduced him to existential angst and the meaning of life.

    This lead to a deep discontentment with his life which caused Naruk to leave his home and explore the universe. For the last 15 years he's been traveling around known space contemplating his existence. He generally does mid-voyage repairs on the exterior of ships, acts as muscle when it's needed and explores hostile environments (like asteroids, ship wreckages, etc). He's been with the party's ship for <however long the crew has been together> brought there by <the pc who first met him>.

    Naruk is about 7 and a half feet tall, very well built and has long arms (walks on his knuckles like gorillas a lot) He is quiet, very thoughtful (for a miner) and is definitely a follower instead of a leader. One of his few pleasures in life is eating diamonds.

    Skills wise I was thinking along the lines of repairing, exploring, intimidation, brawl/melee/troll-angry-troll-smash-stuff and, of course, mining.

    Does that sound like an OK concept? Thoughts?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. Sounds good. I don't know how tasty and edible diamonds would be, though -- they're hard! Rare metals might be more of a Miner delicacy.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. Re: Exams
    I agree with Astral Demon but mine are from the 1st till the 11th but I should still be able to post (just not on days just before an exam)

    Re: Character concept
    I'd still like to run with original concept of a sentient defence droid
    ( - it the longest post

    As for party tie in . . . hmm . . . well Naruk (Asrtal_Daemon) if wouldn't mind . . . before either of us was taken into the crew: As I escaped from my research facility via the transport ship and landed for the refueling stop I escaped and begun looking for a place to have as a source of power and metals.

    Naruk had just put several different types of metals on the marketplace. I noticed this and approached him, slowly as I had bob and weave through the crowd. Having nothing to offer in return for those few initial metals other than promise of protection I felt suddernly slightly nervous, a weird sensation indeed.

    Naruk on the other hand noticed this odd droid moving through the marketplace. The poor droid was obviously not designed for navigating the marketplace as it did not follow any of the standard procedures. Watching from a distance at a distance Naruk took slight pleasure in watching this droid get assulted by abusive language as it made error apon error. Until a grumpy Human storekeeper took a swipe at teh droid with his boot.

    Kicking into defensive made the boot made a near miss. I activated my personal force field and deployed into a defensive mode. An unarmed human is of little threat so I did not fire despite all my systems being at maximum assult. An unexpect assult was usually shot at (no questions asked). The human quickly backed down realising in a hurry that the ddroid it had just made a swipe at was indeed not a market droid. The expression of shock, was at that stage not recognised, but saved into my memory banks.

    From his distance Naruk found this quite funny and the swich around of predator and prey was terribally ironic. The droid then retracted its weaponry and made a beeline towards him. As the crowds in the marketplace made a wide berth around the droid as they feared to displease it again.

    With the crowds suddernly seemed less dense, I was able to go straight to vendor whom advertised to be selling metallic materials.

    "Vendor I come to you in a slight need of repair and lacking the metallic materials with which to perform the repairs. I however have little means with which to refund you for any material you supply to me. Do you have any suggestions for my dilemma?"

    "Droid I see you are quite out of place in this market and I'm sure there lies a tale behind your reasons for being here. Now tell me what materials would be compatible and suitable for you."

    "Well the standard issue repairs are done with either Tungstun or Titanium but the following materials are also usable: Zirconium, Hafnium, Niobium, Vanaduim . . ."

    "Say no more - I see you require true pure metal. how much are you needing?"

    "0.01% of my total mass"

    "Well I do not have everything you listed but we will see what we can do. I will promise to trade you some metal for the tale of how you came to be here in this marketplace."

    "I do not think that that is an unfair trade but may I tell you that tale in private."

    "Seeing as I cannot leave my stand - when the day is done I shall hear your tale then?"

    "Wonderful - would you mind if I stationed myself next to your stall?"

    "Not at all."

    A few hours passed and the rumour of a combat droid being in the market spread and many came to see what it was doing. This resulted in increased sales for the miner as a great deal more people passed his store. Eventually the local enforcement came by the inspect the droid. As fate would have it two events things happen to me at around the same time. The visit from the local enforcement was preceded by the pickpocketing of the poor troll.

    Unaware that there was a group of the local enforcement team in sight I noticed a pair of troublings knocking and bumping into other merchants and traders. This was normal except as they came close to the store the one tried to keep the troll occupied whilest the other lifted some of the metals on display. I noticed this and immeadiatly I activated my weaporny and shot the purse of the 'lifter'. The enforcement team drew thier pistols and the captain shouted "Disarm all weaponry Droid."

    "I would but I've just seen the troubling in tattered green has just 3 Fridens worth of Gallium from this trader without the payment for it. Check his purse which I have shot at"

    Trusting the respose of the droid - which obviously is incapable of lying. The captain trained his weapon on the troubling and instructed his lieutenant to inspect the purse. Finding the the Gallium and other possessions which obiously did not belong to him they arrested the troubling and thanked the droid.

    As the trading day came to a close the the troll and droid went on a stroll and teh droid regaled most of his escape story to the troll. Impressed and thankful for the droid's service the troll gave teh droid doubled the requested Zirconium.

    The following day I went to go find the troll again whom was again selling his wares and offered my protection services for a small percentage of all sales made with which I could rechrage my fuel cells. The troll also promised to give an extra bonus for every thief or attempted thievery of material that was stopped. In this manner the driod and troll entered a mutually beneficial partnership which has grown strong over the sixty (can change) years that they have been together.

    How does that sound - i know its long but het i got a bit carried away (I'll try keep my actual post a bit shorter


    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. Yancke

    iv'e been toying with the idea of doing random illustration for fun. Of a sci-fi setting.
    So gimme things to draw people! Cool gadgets races etc. If i like em ill draw em (eventually)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  13. Alright - here is a rough character outline for all-ya-all to mull over, integrate into your own etc. v0.04

    Name: Ash (when asked she will inform you that her given name does not translate well into any of the commonly spoken languages in this universe).

    Race: Uncommon (i.e. not readily recognised) - will chat to confluence

    Appearance: Tall and slim with an athletic build. Blue/grey skin with mottling towards the hands, feet and hairline. Lilac irises (change colour). Long white hair worn in a braid (reaches hips). Spiral tattoo on forehead between her eyes - nasty red scar through the middle. Ash tends to wear comfortable, easy to move in clothes.

    Info: Ash has been with the crew for a while. She's generally dependable, if a bit stand-offish at first. She is a decent pilot when needed and can patch the crew together if need be. She is especially useful in a fight - oddly prefering swords to any modern weapon.

    She has the irritating habit of sneaking up on people - whether by virtue of her natural stealth or intentionally is anyone's guess. She's got a red hot temper when she feels strongly about things and can be a handful to contain.

    Ash can often be found sitting sharpening her blades and talking to herself. The more disturbing thing is that she answers herself. Not in the same voice......

    There you have her.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  14. Just FYI, everyone, I'm still intending to run this, and haven't abandoned it; I'm just a bit snowed-under. As soon as I have completed the geographical and political information about the world you're in, I will start the game.

    Arad: sounds good. I don't think I have your email address; contact me if you'd like to discuss your character's super-secret origins off-forum: adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com. ;)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  15. Another update: Dragonfire season is over, but now I'll be away in Poland for a month. I'll be back in late September. The game definitely won't start until after that, but I'll see what I can do about finishing the setting information on the wiki.

    This is a ping to see if the people who were previously interested are still interested, if any new people are interested, etc.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  16. Not really sure how this is going to work with yours truly - bloody dial-up makes me less than reliable at checking and then posting. You may have to count me out in fairness to the whole game :(

    Enjoy Poland by the way - make sure Si doesn't accidentally ask some hulking barman to marry him in bad polish...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  17. Arad: we can see how it goes (once it starts), and I'm sure we can come up with a system for accommodating players on really unreliable connections. ;)

    I'll watch out for accidental Hungarian Dictionary moments. :D

    Posted 17 years ago #
  18. Astral_Daemon

    I'm still keen to play in this when it gets going.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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