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KAOS.QuakeKAOS2009 History

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21 April 2009, at 02:34 PM UTC by gnome - Quake KAOS tips
Added lines 1-18:
Rules for Quake KAOS will be explained at length on the day, but in the interim here are a few pointers on what to bring and general safety, to ensure no-one dies of hypothermia or by doing something silly.

Because we are playing in the old zoo (NOT Old Zoo the building, but the actual abandoned zoo near UCT), and there will be rocks and grass and stuff, we recommend:

* Closed shoes
* Jeans or other long tough pants

As well as the following so you don't freeze:

* A warm top
* Towels
* A change of clothes for afterwards

And last but not least, your OWN watergun. I'm told they're available cheaply at Reggies in Cavendish, Toys R Us in Tokai, Checkers in Maynardville and the Toy Warehouse in Parow... amongst others.

We will also have some first aid stuff on hand, but don't be too stupid, since most of our skills are limited to putting a plaster on and kissing it better.

Lastly, you will be expected to sign an indemnity form upon arrival. You will not be allowed to play if you don't sign one. Also, please don't bring valuables, the marshals will be overseeing the game and can't keep an eye on everyone's stuff. Leave whatever you can in the car.
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Page last modified on 21 April 2009, at 02:34 PM UTC