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Rules :


The first and most important part. Using the weapon of your choice, you must kill your target in some way approximating what would happen in real life ( Christ, that sounds too damn pompous ). That means shooting stabbing, blowing up or poisoning your target. The following is a list of legal victims for all players, if you kill anyone else, you get outlawed.

  • Your target
  • Someone attacking you
  • Outlaws or Serial Killers
  • Special Targets


We're running the independant format this year so everyone will be issued with a single target. When you kill your target, you get their target. This will slowly but surely reduce down to hopefully two people chasing each other, unitl we have a final winner.

Wounding and Interrogation

Trusting that everyone will play relatively fair, we've implemented the following rules. If you get shot or stabbed in the arm, leg, groin or some other part of your body such that in real life it would be useless, then bloody well act like it!!!! This brings us on to the extension of the rule. If you can incapicitate someone, it is considered interrogation, and victims of this must give up all information on their target ( ie your next target ). Otherwise, if they're dead, all you can get from them is the target's name and photo.


Slightly different rules for this year. Each player can start with whatever weapon they want ( except for nukes people ). They may collect a stash of weapons and so on, but they're only allowed to have one sanctioned weapon at a time. If you want to change your weapon at any time, speak to the marshalls and we'll note down which weapon you're using. This means no pulling out a gun when you see your target turning on you with his if all you've been using so far is a knife.
The following weapon types are allowed:

  • Water pistols of any sort, rubber dart pistols
  • Plastic or similar knives
  • Water bombs or "grenades" ( ie tennis balls or similar )
  • Passive bombs such as mail bombs or bag bombs ( cellphones in bags or slips of paper in envelopes )
  • "Poisons" of any sort ( tictacs, salt in cooldrink, contact poison on letters or doorknobs )
  • Any other weapon you get a marshall to okay

Safe Zones

Where you can breathe a sigh of relief:

  • Lectures, Tests, Tuts, Pracs, Exams, Seminars or Opposite sex bathrooms
    No killings of any sort may occur in these areas. A target is safe if they enters the venue, while in the venue and for 15 minutes after the event or until they leave the building the event was occuring in, whichever comes first. For tests and exams however, the safe period extends for 1 hour before the event, as long as they are in the venue.
  • 5 metres outside all safe zones
    Any rule that applies to a safe zone also applies to an area of 5 metres around the safe zone.
  • Libraries and computer labs
    Only knife kills and poison kills are allowed in these areas for fear of damaging equipment.
  • General Safe Zone
    The marshalls will decide on an area everyday, either on plaza or at nescafe that will be a safe zone for people to came speak with us. However, poisoning is still allowed within this area.

If you wish to designate your office or an area off campus as a safe zone, please talk to the marshalls. We understand that you may wish to be safe in your own bed.

Outlaws and Serial Killers

These are the scum of the earth and anyone may take a crack at them. Basiclly they're people who broke one of the rules, is being too successful or just wants to be everyones target. The quickest ways to get on this list are as follows:

  • Kill someone who is not on your sanctioned kill list
  • Kill more than 5 targets in one day ( not including special targets or in self defence )
  • Be caught using an unsanctioned weapon
  • Be seen commiting a murder
    Lists of those on outlaw status will be provided.

Win Condition

Yes, this is a game so there must be someway to win. We're working on a point system, so hiding in the corner and waiting to pop the very last guy is not going to win this for you.

  • 1 point for a kill
  • + 1 for a close quarters kill
  • + variable for a spectacular story of intrigue, endurance and blah, blah, blah ( ie for being sneaky bastards or performing Matrix type fight scenes on the middle of plaza )
  • 5 to 10 points for surviving till the end.

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Page last modified on 01 January 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC