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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. The door to my office remains closed at all times because it leads out of the building and I like my aircon. The handle to said office door hates me and every time I leave I get a massive static jolt. I’m being serious, static shocks are usually laughable, but these really hurt!

Right, so I get sick of this and decide to try something. I figure that it is the creation of the arch that hurts and not the actual current flow. So, if I take a something conductive, hold it in my hand and touch it to the handle, I should discharge and be able to exit safely. I’m an engineer, leave me alone. I figure that the logical item to use would be a key.

So a couple of days ago I try using my office key to discharge myself before exiting, and it works really well. Today however I pull my car keys out first, by mistake of course. I don’t think too much of it so I try them… Bum Bum Bah! They don’t work. This really confuses me so I try them a couple of times. It is only when I start my car to go home for lunch that I notice a major difference between my car key and my office key…

My car key has a plastic handle.

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Page last modified on December 02, 2004, at 12:05 PM