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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Sho, been busy for the last couple of months, haven’t had a chance to post. Fortunately not much of interest has happened in that time so you haven’t missed much. Life has been continuing as normal with the exception that I have started to study. It is taking a while to get back into it but I’m finding it easier than I expected. The problem is that there are no lectures and no recommended reading for the exams. There is simply a list of topics that you must be able to answer questions on… a three page list of topics. Fortunately DeBeers? has organised a set of notes for us, but it is far from ideal, basically consisting of photocopies of several textbooks for each subject. What I am referring to as studying is more like sifting through the bollocks, trying to find something worth committing to memory.

Anyway, just a heads up, my little brother Andrew has just gone down to Cape Town and will be starting varsity soon. He will probably make a turn past the gazebo at some point so be nice to him. Oh, and if he forgets please remind him to get a copy of clawmarks for me.

Anyway, just another heads up, Kim and I will be in Cape Town sometime in March. She will be doing a masters block course at stellies or such.

I must dash, work is madness at the moment.

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Page last modified on February 09, 2005, at 10:03 AM