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I was that guy hanging around in Clawroom between 96 and 98 with a big afro and a pack of camels. So hello to all those lovely clawpeople I knew - hope everything is going spiffily.

I'll do a real post soon, but it's bedtime now. So I leave you with this thought:


Comment: Hey! (by GnomeThing? on 2005-08-24 21:46:37)

Hi Darren,

Good to hear from you again :) How goes it in the land of sheep?

There are a few of the 96-98 ppl still around. Actually it's surprising how many have blogs (here, LiveJournal? or Blogspot).
schpat, Alex M, Alastair, Simon C, Duncan S, Waynne, Jean, Robyn S, Austin, Nenad to name a few.

* Mark


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Page last modified on August 24, 2005, at 03:23 PM