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Mud as a rare species of plant

Why should it make sense.

So it's early in the morning and I just woke up, being sick really does give you opertunities to enjoy those early hours in the morning. Usually (at least in my case) I wake up and want something to eat, my stomach demands and I obey, so I decided to use the internet....cause you know, that's logical.

So here I am putting the Dork in UberDork? (I keep typing Drok).

I think I am going to make myself some porrigde, I haven't had porridge in years. Porridge tastes nice and it is warm too, cause it's been bloody damn cold recently.

Holidays are by and large boring with reference to term time, it's a sad but true fact. The one bonus is sleep though.

Yay! Roleplay much these holidays.]

I am going to eat now...bye :-D

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Page last modified on June 30, 2005, at 03:58 AM