TikiLog131020041458You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Woohoo, end of term party wheeee. And maths tuts, only the maths department would have tutorials on the last day. I have DP! DP is good, except for ethics but DP is good.
And somehow Adeebs Keu-jin are going to take on Garricks cheap-ass Kin-jin in a clusterfutt, WTF are these people thinking? Before a single dice gets rolled there is going to be a titanic war of rulemongering and it would take a month of Sundays to play through anyway. Couldn't we just have a mook fragfest, who can frag the most mooks? Or rather lets spend the time roleplaying. ;-)
Why can nobody ever know what to roll when a DM asks them to make a roll. Can nobody get it into their head that initiative is Dex+Wits+d10, or Wits+Alertness+d10, It's simple arithmetic people. Slow die rollers really grate my cheese.
Comment: AAAAAAAAAAAargh?? (by InfernalRabbi? on 2004-10-14 12:09:55)Slow, forgetful die rollers are the bane of an existance. All rolls, in good systems, are intuitive. Therefore there should be no "What's that again? Do I use Perception to see?". This was brought to you by serveral small mongrel dogs. |