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Bring the cheese!

I got sick this weekend, it sucked. Apparently too much bug repellant can be bad for you, so Andrea came over to my house and played Warcraft 3.....She really hates Arthas ( but that's okay because Arthas is a twat.).

In other news I may have to finish a tut before eleven today because I wasn't told about it ( no this really is the lecturers fault this time).

I need a varying collection of DMs?..... I hope D@vid is hearing this.....gimme those email addresssssssssssssss.

That was a cunning diguise of bad grammar.

How do I make bold?

I have a lecturer called BJ Downings....use your imagination....hehehe

Comment: mailing lists (by d@vid on 2005-02-28 10:26:59)

everyone is spankingly signing up to the cthulist - and those on cthudmasters are already there - go go gadget mailing lists! (send your GM request and The Madness announcement to both, I would suggest)

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Page last modified on February 28, 2005, at 05:39 AM