SomethingSmellsLikeMATHSYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Yes and there was some maths.. Dice are evil little bastard, I have convinced my entire roleplaying group by rolling very, very badly (especially recently). I BOHICA'ed while running from a bomb.....My character stared at it and said "I know what is going to happen now" and well the rest is history. That and my hair keeps on getting stuck in my jacket, it's really annoying. I think people are wierd and I have a reason why, there is this guy in my engineering class, and he sees this girl in the class (she isn't an engineer, or she is from a really odd stream) and the first thing he says to me is "Wow that chick is really hot"{eek}, I didn't see why she is hot, but WTF, no "hello" or "how are you doing?" not even a "Hows your herpes", he perves some chick. WTF. That's all I have to say....WTF. We have a new pope...and he can walk....which is a good thing in a pope I feel, as opposed to the old model who could only hobble at best. His sirname is Ratzinger....Rat....Zinger...How did he get a name like that? How are people supposed to take him and the Vatican seriously or is it some kind of war against journalism. From now on I am going to call catholics rats. Warren looks hot in a dress. I am going to make myself tea and go to sleep (unfortunately I cleaned the house out of chocolate a few minutes ago :-() Comment: thos wacky germs (by InfernalRabbi? on 2005-04-21 11:52:18)Technically he isn't a Zinger of Rats anymore, he is now Benect XVI, Popeman! With his handy sidekick, altarboy. Comment: Hear Hear (by WombatBoy? on 2005-04-21 23:27:52)We love you Popeman!!! sigh I wish I was alter boy. Go Popeman!!! :-D |