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I got bored with the other title thing. I am tired sleepy and I couldn't find any black nailpolish yesterday :cry:?, not that I looked particularly hard. More interestingly spent sitting on the floor of hyperama looking at waterpistols....there is this one that takes batteries, it has a laser sight.....I am motivated to play KAOS all of a sudden, although I don't know where I would hide said pistol (it is still a pistol not a water rifle or bazooka or orbital bombardment device).

I want to play a DND game (shut up all you roleplaying Nazis!!), I haven't played a good DND game in like ages, it's a bit like the desire for msg I suppose.

What we need on campus is a banana war, Ian could hold a whole lot of bananas and then we (the KAOS players) would run around campus for a day throwing said obscure fruit at each other. That is my idea of fun.

I have a badger attached to my ass, and it doesn't talk to me, it doesn't talk to anyone else either.

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Page last modified on April 01, 2005, at 05:08 AM