MathsNotAProvenContraceptiveYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Harvey the wonderhamsterI am tired so expect bad grammar and spelling (I may fix it at some point if it exists), I wrote a maths test today, I think I did okay (some of my answers are the same as the memo....which is better than none.) I got like 78% for a stats test so now I am just passing that course, which is good. I miss my weekly roleplaying game, its sad....:-(...I can't wait to play with my American Gods character. Pelican Gods....the mind boggles. The key to doing well at university is MP3? players. My life is like a small pear, with a leaf on it. I am going to sleep now. Comment: coherency (by InfernalRabbi? on 2005-05-10 10:22:45)Oddly enough, this post had less mistakes, grammar wise, than any of your other posts. Maybe if you are going for coherency and syntax correctness, you should post in this state more often. Comment: Re: coherency (by WombatBoy? on 2005-05-11 16:14:24)Possibly a quality vs quantity thing or just that there is less available writing for mistakes to occur in. |