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and a room thereof

And then dragonfire came and went in a blur of hotdogs. Filter coffee was supplied and all was good. Another name for a turnip is a neep. You learn something new every day.
Looking forward to SCHPATcon?, which should be cool. Michael is a GURP.

The more metal in the shoe the better, that way if it doesn't work you can hit someone with it {confused}. The problem with dragonfire is my room, which is now a total mess because I spent the whole weekend coming home at around 0300, although I did go to see bands playing and I have the benefit of blaming d@vid (eeeeevil dave) and Katherine, who talk and talk and talk and talk, it's all good.

I don't have a hamster, although I did once and it's name was hamfena glenfiddick because the lived in half of a glenfiddick whisky container (you know those cardboard round things that whisky come in?). There is really good apple pie at divas. My nails are cold. I have new dice!!!!

Gotham is cool, Marcia is kinda creepy....espescially when she is drunk, some of you know what i mean. I had my first red bull today, I am dissapointed to be honest, no wings..... That's false advertising.

I am thinking of getting a world of warcraft account, I would love to play that game. Vegetable ate not usually yellow, and if they are it is a sign that you should not eat them. Lime milkshakes are really good. As is Amys cake. There is cake at home....I wanna go home....Grrr{angry}

That is not an evil face, but and angry, unhappy face.

I am another specie of rabbit, and I like to eat carrots...yum yum


Special DragonFire? Thanks to:
Phillip Anastasiadas - For being a coffee Guru. d@vid (eeeeevil dave) - for supplying the coffee machine.
Jo - For helping with the coffee machine when Phillip was busy. Amy - For really good cake.
Hendri - for menacing small wargamers. Ian - for getting there on time when I didn't
Everybody else - for drinking the coffee. Warren - For the fridge.

This was a hamster-jam production.

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Page last modified on August 10, 2005, at 01:14 PM