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The ending for XIII (which I recently finished) was teh sux, and that's where the ug comes from.

The previous post was very odd, I apologise for it. I am going to keep it becasue it was an accurate and honest reflection of how I felt at the time.

I am going to get to remove tiles with a small jackhammer, I am looking forward to it (although I suspect that I will change my mind when it gets down to business) as long as I don't injure myself with the machine everything should be fine. The bonus is when I finish removing the tiles I will get a gamepad for my emulated computer games. Yay me!

Ian and Michelle came over just now, which is odd because I am on the other side of the world and there is not much of great entertainment value at my house....but it was fun, I made tea and then we watched Warcraft 3 cutscenes on dvd, I talked about how my foot was sore for no good reason, about the holes in my socks and somesuch...Which was fun.

So that was cool.

Been playing Thief: The Dark Project, The guards are annoying, I got miffed so I started chopping them up, those bastards...not long after of course I died from a hammer to the head.

Soon I will be cakespeditioning, which will be cool, I haven't cakespeditioned in like AGES. (I blame Cassandra and David, Cassandra more though because David is eeeeevil d@ve). I had cake yesterday and it was good, it had 3 layers of actual cake stuff with cream in between and a nice chocolate icing...hmmm. I ate most of the cake, which pleases me.



Comment: You are in violation! (by OOPMan on 2005-07-06 10:44:49)

Well not really, but you are being slow to give me a char background. Gonna get left behind, Wombo...

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Page last modified on July 04, 2005, at 10:31 PM