EEE233SModuleCYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. WombatLog? 070029102004Consistincy is for the weak. ;-) Power is nothing without control. I love studying first thing in the morning it has a kind of appeal of its own, like herpes. Or a singular herp ( Those strange worm things from sonic the hedgehog )......On reflection someone out there is going to type Sonic + Herpes in google and it might link to this page, that's just odd. Nic's hard-drive crashed the other day, spent till one in the morning trying to fix the bloody thing and it always had something new to complain about, in the end we had to format and install windows ( Which was likewise a pain in the arse ). Actually my brother and Nic tried to fix his computer while I played Wizardry VII, woohoo! The CLAWsGazebo? has been aquired....with sides. ( Not to be confused with a CLAWsGlaberazu? ). The comittee recons it could be used as a mobile roleplaying venue, I like the thought, at lunch in the middle of Jammie Plaza. I want to play in a DND 3E campaign damnit, there just aren't enough of the little bastards! Message Of The Post:Studying helps. :-D Comment: Ixnay on the Ooglegay (by SynKronos? on 2004-10-29 08:50:56)S'okay, cos the robots.txt file (or in-page meta tags, I forgot which) instruct google not to index the wiki pages. You (or the rest of the world, depending on your viewpoint) are safe! |