DeathIsAToastedCheeseSandwichYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. WombatLog? 020320050729So another hour spent in a prac with things that don't work, all my thoery was right I just had really bad luck.... I have a test today and Andrea is going to Hoberg this weekend (The 'H' wasn't a typo):-(. Those are the things that suck. I still have something in my eye (seriously)......Hunger..... Early mornings suck the root. I need to find out where MCB209C? is, it sounds like a cool lecture, I drove and engineerling mad the other day. So I guess what I am trying to say is my life is boring, but I have something in my eye.:-D WombatLog? 020320051517Oooooh, look at me I am updating my log thing wooohooo, go me! now to something relevant. Only hats of cheese calibre are ever the centre of patterned pants on hills catfood, a genuine brand due to apron manufacturing, that gives us indigestion difficulties and indignation factors multiplied or grated by Peter Flan in Jamtartia province on main, jam capital from mars' chocolate factory of note, because he is terrified of molluscs wearing pantaloons gilded with ham strips without conscience or mercy but lots of panache, so schizophrenia is possible if exiting for broadway mimes and karaoke shindigs together with buffets, platters, parfait, goats and twigs party streamers steaming lightly in handbags belonging to habberdashers from transexual neighbourhoods in graveyards. It isn't my fault I blame Katherine. ....more......Hunger |