BeholdThePowerOfSnotYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. WombatLog? 092810032005I have been granted untold power it seems, from the lords of snot. I seem to be a portal to a dimension of infinite snot. I REALLY HATE BEING SICK {angry}. I Loath and detest being sick, I have missed one roleplaying session and now my nose is sore, someday, somewhere, someone will pay for this ( no really they will ), i can deal with sore throats, but why the snot....I hate snot. I made an origami book, it has many colours on it, it looks pretty.... I like pretty things. Seriously looking forward to the LARP this Saturday, It should be a blast...I have just realized it's been months since my last LARP. The one thing I have realized since I have started updating a blog is that I really don't have much to say ( of any consequence ) and that my life is pretty boring ( or so it would seem ) but then I realise that I just like writing a big load of crap of no real importance so that I can read it again in a few weeks time and laugh at myself. ( And I really do make this small revelation many times as I forget about it. ). So onto something innane. Question, when I say Bipenal, do you think two penis's (sp?) or some sort of double-something criminal punishment system? All of my lecturers have stealth pants on so I can't talk about their ass's ( It's true! ). I have a lecturer I call Sammy G, I have another bald lecturer called Prof Green ( or just Greeny!!!!!!), it has been suggested we put green paint on his bald spot, how effective would a weapon master with dual cookery be? Gareth Cliff is a porn star, people don't masturbate to all porn, some of it is only for shock factor, that's where he comes in ( I refuse to believe that German, Midget, Sheizer porn turns anyone on ). I have anther lecturer who has a heavy Chinese accent, he's cute, he calls a coin a hahn. It's funny:-D My toe itches. Message of the day: The only thing more creepy than computer scientists are women ( that's why men don't understand them, it's for their own good). PS: I don't know what to say about female computer scientists though.:-( Comment: hmmm (by GoldenAngel? on 2005-03-11 16:33:55)playing word accociation with yourself, isnt that like rapping? |