AvastExamsYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. It's Diablo 2 time!Every time I have exams I play Diablo 2, It's currently sitting on my Hard Drive with an innocent look on it's face. Hopefully this time I will keep the evil at bay. In other news 1000 toads blew up in Germany and nobody knows why. Looking forward to the Illusion Of Free Will LARP this weekend (Lets hope I live to the end of it.) I missed a test three weeks ago (It seems to happen once every year or something) hopefully I won't be DPRd? because of it. My furcadia character is about to expire.....Oh woe is me. Why do I even have a furacadia character...and how did the get my gmail address?!?!! Surely that kind of stuff should go into my spambox? The best thing about Emporer: Battle for Dune is the music, which is cool other than the fact that computer beat me so it sucks :( Blah, whatever. Enough patches solves any problem. Comment: music is shiny plus... (by BlueHands on 2005-05-20 07:16:12)Emperor: Battle for Dune is a cool game - unfortunately I never got around to completing the last mission :-( Comment: Emperor... (by OOPMan on 2005-05-20 08:57:57)...blows goats. It's essentially Dune 2000 rewrapped in a fancy grafix engine. And considering that Dune 2000 was Dune 2 rewrapped in the C&C: RA1? grafix engine, well, you get the idea. Yet more evidence that Westwood's vaunted position in the shitty RTS genre is much overhyped... Comment: Have you even played Emperor? (by WombatBoy? on 2005-05-23 11:05:44)Emperor was way hardcorer than Dune 2000 (which sucked). You can infantry rush!!! :-D Comment: w00t! (by OOPMan on 2005-05-24 08:21:12)Wow, infantry rush! The height of original thinking. Blah. We had this conversation. Emporeror sucks because Dune 2000 sucks. Dune 2 was at least original for its time and something innovative when it was released. Pan 10 years on and you find games that are essentially similar. Does this sound like a good thing for the games indutry? In case you're wondering, the answer is NO |