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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. weaseling (wee-zel-ing):
The behaviour whereby a person attempts to provide justification for actions or disprove a proposition put forward by someone else (based on fact) which this person finds offensive or insulting. This is done through the cunning use of technicalities and privaledged information which they know the other person had no access to at the time or subsequent to that time, thus compounding the deception. Although in modern society it seems to be less frowned upon than previous eras, there are still many who find this sort of behaviour to be very offensive and insulting. It is also very dependant on the relationship between the weaseler and the weaselee. Weaseling can also be found in situations when the weaseler wishes to hide certain elements of the truth from the weaselee for some personal reson, and is thus not strictly limited to offensive propositions or justifications.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM