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October 09, 2006, at 03:31 PM by PolishProffesional - Need info on UK visas, for those already over please help
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<b>08th September 2004 - 1:51pm</b> I hate getting up early ... but it's worth it.

Well I'm of tomorrow at 6am for four days of absolute bliss!

So why all the bliss you ask? Well first we are staying at Matetsi Water Lodge (http://www.ccafrica.com/accommodation-1-id-2-9/lodgeid-2-1), second we get to go bungi jumping, river rafting and jet boating in the Victoria Falls gorge (http://www.shearwateradventures.com -- All the stuff there).

Best of all is the amount I pay for all this goodness and relaxation ... NADA! Thats right nothing at all, its all expenses paid by the company (even including airfare). So ya I actually have a reason to be excited about something for a change (although on the down-side I can't take the gf along which sucks but the rooms do start at $250 a night and we are getting the special rooms (slightly more expensive) not to mention there is 10 of us).

Anyway I'm off tomorrow morning at 6am and I'll be back at 5pm on Sunday. I hope everybody has a good weekend. Also for all those Warhammer 40k fans check out [[http://www.dawnofwargame.com/uk/homepage.php]] (Dawn of War) went gold today. Looks very shiny, not quite sure how it all works but at least it looks damn shiny.


<b>03rd September 2004 - 9:54pm</b> Telkom is slowly but surely going down ... YES !!!


Read the above URL, VoIP legal, cellphone providers not limited to using Telkom lines ... its all there. Of course what is classic is the last line "Ravin Maharaj, spokesperson for Telkom, said the group wasn't warned or consulted before the announcement." ... well at least they admit they needed to be warned :-)

As of yesterday Telkom stock has lost R1 billion worth of value ... my morning just got a WHOLE lot better.


<b>03rd July 2004 - 10:01pm</b> Need help

Ok my maths really sucks and I need to implement this for a program I am currently writing. I need to map 65536 points onto the surface of a sphere. If anybody has ANY idea of a nice easy way of doing this please shout. I have found one method (polar co-ordinate subdivision) but have NO idea how to implement it as the maths is a bit over my head. Any help and/or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm sure that with the combined mind power of CLAWs this is possible.

 Polish Proffesional

->''Hi TheVoid.  I've coded a short programme in Python which creates a decent approximation.  You can see it at [[http://darck.sanbi.ac.za/%7esimon/index.php/ProJects/PointsOverSphere.]]  I've tested it with 128 and 65536 points and the output looks good.'' - ElfBoy

->'' ElfBoy, what email address of yours is currently active. Need to get hold of you to ask a questions with regards to the progream.'' - PolishProffesional

<b>24th June 2004 - 8:48am</b> --] In search of a library ((--

Hi all

I am currently in search of a cross-platform networking library that allows me to check the activity of ports (in TCP and UDP). I need this library to be non-blocking, non-polling (callback preferred but I could live with polling if neccasary). I'd like this lib to work in Windowze and Linux (although if two diffrent libs do a similar thing thats fine as well). The big thing is that I want to be able to check the ports WITHOUT binding to them (so if SMTP is running on 25 I want to be able to detect connections on the port even though there is already a daemon running there). Bonus would be to be able to detect the amount of traffic on the port (outgoing and incoming).

So all you programmers in CLAWs, please help a person in need. If you know of a lib that matches any of these requirements (the checking of ports without binding is VERY neccasary) then please email me at pdubla@gmail.com or just post the link here. Currently all libs that I have found must bind to a port, all I want to do is pick up that a connection (or attempted connection) occured, and if the connection occured how much data was sent and received (once again not neccasary but would be great).


<b>26th May 2004 - 8:10am</b>

There is a MUD that I have recently discovered. Dark, gritty ... it even has has a drug epedemic spreading through it (Very unknown armies like). Check it out at http://www.achaea.com)) ... Really shiny ... unknown armies in the middle ages (kinda).

<b>06th May 2004 - 11:14pm</b>

*<rant>* '''OMG''' I honest to god hate all '''FUCKING''' Microsoft products (ok a bit of an exaggeration but it feels like it at this moment). This is the second night in a row that I've been sitting up for hours working on our websites at work because MS products have fucked up and either stopped working or broken something that was working. Last night MS SQL managed to bugger up a simple push of a couple of database tables and created a phantom table (it appeared occasioanlly, couldn't be seen in the database and when I could see it I couldn't delete it ... before that I found out that the only way to disable replication on MS SQL server is to delete the bloody replication, wanted to push table and had to kill replication because those tables were being replicated somewhere else ... '''ARGGGHHHH''') and then today uploaded a site which worked perfectly on our local servers and then started myseteriously dying after I came home ... skip to 10min ago and having spent 3 hours on the phone with my boss I have located the problem at the MICROSOFT content rotater pulling a txt file in a MICROSOFT ASP page and running on a MICROSOFT web serve (IIS) seems to kill the the entire web server. Three rotators using the same content rotater and same layout of files and only the ONE absolutly '''BUGGERS''' the server (managed to nearly take down the whole box twice).

Now I'm a person who will use whatever is neccasary to get the job done but WHY I ask does MS software have to be SO CRAP. I use Linux, yes it has its problems (plenty of them) but you know what at least when X, Y and Z are made for Linux and are made to run on a web server (bless GOD ALMIGHTY for Apache) then they '''FUCKING RUN WITHOUT KILLING EACH OTHER''' (*'''feels blood pressure going up, takes a deep breath and has another chocolate egg'''*). Right now that is done I can go to sleep. *</rant>*

*<rant:addendum>* I have been using Apache and PHP on Windows for the past couple of weeks and even my boss admitted tonight he'd installed Linux on his machine at home to try it out. He's a '''HARDCORE''' MS fan, vb fanatic of note and swears by Microsoft products. After the bloody nightmare that is ISS 6.0 even he's agreed that switching might no be too bad ... please just let it happen quickly, one more day of ASP and I might have to chew my own arm off so I can get sent to hospital and not have to code anymore *</rant:addendum>*

Right I feel much better ... thank your for listening


<b>26th April 2004 - 10:50pm</b>

Hey all, Carli's grandfater died last week Wednesday and she's been in Joburg since. Tomorrow she is coming back and there will be prayers at her house at 6pm. She has invited CLAWs as a group to attend. Basically due to Jewish law women that aren't direct next of kin to a person cannot morn them when they pass (therefore Carli's mom can morn her fathers death but Carli cannot morn her grandfathers passing). This basically means she has had a REALLY rough week and prayers tomorrow won't be any diffrent. If anybody is in the area and willing to come in for any amount of time it would be really appreciated, its mostly to give her some moral support through this tough time.

After prayers there should be tea/coffee and cake for everyone. If you can't make it its not a problem but if you could it would really mean a lot. Thanks to the people that have already said that they will make it. Carli also wants me to forward thanks to all the people that sms'ed and called her during the her week in Joburg. Special thanks from her go to Erica and Hendri (is that how you spell it?).

Prayers start at 6, since Carli can't pray we'll probably gather in another part of the house to chat / do whatever. Just in case there is any confusion there won't be people forcing you to pray, nor will there be any people trying to convert you therefore no one needs to worry.

The address for Carli's house is 35 Belvedere Avenue, Oranjezicht (I will confirm the spelling of the street with Carli tomorrow morning), its the street directly above the big reservoir (it runs along the top ... being the side closest to Table Mountain).

PolishProffesional (I can be reached by cellphone on 0839418235 for directions and confirmations).

<b>14th April 2004</b>

Even there is a VERY small chance of it making a diffrence I wanted to mention that last night Calir's car was broken into right outside of Sushi Zone and my bag / large chunk of my life was taken. It contained nothing of real value other than my keys, calculator, favourite screwdriver and all my UCT notes for the year as well as handouts. Obswatch said the guys probably dumped it once they found nothing of value so if anybody lives in the Obs area or is passing through there please be on the lookout for a black laptop-type bag with a pocket on the front and a shoulder strap.

I figure its worth a try ... really could use those notes and my keys back.


<b>13th April 2004</b>

Had to share this with everybody, [[ [[http://www.theregister.co.uk/odds/bofh/|BOFH (Bastard Operator from Hell ]]]] and my favourite story for last year [[ [[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/03/02/bofh_we_who_are_about/|BOFH: We who are about to dial salute you ]].]] Enjoy.

<b>PolishProfessional</b> a.k.a <b>LastBastardo</b> a.k.a <b>Piotr</b>

<i>p.s.</i> Deus Ex 2 rocks, I've already finsished it and played through the ending four times so I could see all four ending movies  ... nuff said.
Right, new country new page ;-)

Quick thing before I start writing crap here again, for all those people in England I need some help with finding the best and quickest way to get a visa to come to England (I know the 2-year working holiday once is the easiest to get). I was hoping people could provide some info if they had issues or what the pitfuls are and how easy it is to get a working permit once your inside the country.

This is not for me (I'm already here in the UK, currently residing in Bristol) but for a friend who is looking to come over. Any help would be great appreciated.

You can get hold of me on '''osiris.deathbringer@gmail.com''' or just leave a comment here :)

Thanks a lot,
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Page last modified on October 09, 2006, at 03:31 PM