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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. This is a list of magic cards that I need to complete my collection of the four artists whose artwork I collect. Some of them are well-nigh impossible to get hold of, so I decided that I would shove it up here on the wiki and see if any of you helpful people can help me :) I would obviously be happy to trade for any cards you do have on the list. Please pay attention to the sets, as any versions of the same card from sets not listed do not have the correct artwork. Thanks [^_^] Are you still looking for these cards? I have a few that match your criteria.

Card NameArtistSetsRarityContact
Angelic WallRebecca GuayPortal 2nd AgeCommon
Barbtooth WurmRebecca GuayPortal 2nd Age, Starter 1999Common
Deathcoil WurmRebecca GuayPortal 2nd AgeRare
Diplomatic EscortRebecca GuayMercadian MasquesUncommon
Nature's ChosenRebecca GuayAlliancesUncommon
Nature's CloakRebecca GuayPortal, Starter 1999Rare
Norwood ArchersRebecca GuayPortal 2nd Age, Starter 1999Common
Norwood WarriorRebecca GuayPortal 2nd AgeCommon
Pulse of LlanowarRebecca GuayInvasionUncommon
Renewing TouchRebecca GuayPortal 2nd Age, Starter 1999Uncommon
Sea DrakeRebecca GuayPortal 2nd AgeUncommon
Starlit AngelRebecca GuayPortalUncommon
ThoughtleechRebecca Guay7th EdUncommon
Vodalian HypnotistRebecca GuayInvasionUncommon
Volcanic WindRebecca GuayMercadian MasquesUncommon
WanderlustRebecca Guay5th EdUncommon
Balshan CollaboratorTony DiTerlizzi?TormentUncommon
Bottle of SuleimanTony DiTerlizzi?5th Ed, 6th EdRare
Cloud SpiritTony DiTerlizzi?PortalUncommon
Djinn of the LampTony DiTerlizzi?PortalRare
Endless WurmTony DiTerlizzi?Urza's SagaRare
ExhaustionTony DiTerlizzi?PortalRare
False SummoningTony DiTerlizzi?Portal 2nd AgeCommon
Kavu ScoutTony DiTerlizzi?InvasionCommon
Last BreathTony DiTerlizzi?Mercadian MasquesUncommon
Mystic DenialTony DiTerlizzi?Portal 2nd AgeUncommon
Nether ShadowTony DiTerlizzi?5th EdRare
RemoveTony DiTerlizzi?Portal 2nd AgeUncommon
Stream of AcidTony DiTerlizzi?Starter 1999Uncommon
Verdant ForceTony DiTerlizzi?TempestRare
Arcane Denial, v2Richard Kane-FergusonAlliancesCommon
Goblin War DrumsRichard Kane-FergusonFallen EmpiresCommon
Hazezon TamarRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsRare
Jasmine BorealRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsUncommon
Kaervek's PurgeRichard Kane-FergusonMirageUncommon
Livonya SiloneRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsRare
Ramses OverdarkRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsRare
Riven TurnbullRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsUncommon
The Lady of the MountainRichard Kane-FergusonLegendsUncommon
Angelic ChorusRon SpencerUrza's SagaRareGnome
Aura ShardsRon SpencerInvasionUncommon
Avenger en-DalRon SpencerNemesisUncommon
Boneshard SlasherRon SpencerTormentUncommon
Cabal TherapyRon SpencerJudgementUncommon
Close QuartersRon SpencerMercadian MasquesUncommon
Crookclaw ElderRon SpencerLegionsUncommon
Crucible of WorldsRon SpencerFifth DawnRare
Endless CockroachesRon SpencerPortalRare
Fanning the FlamesRon SpencerStrongholdUncommon
Goham DjinnRon SpencerInvasionUncommon
Guerilla TacticsRon Spencer8th EdUncommon
Hornet CannonRon SpencerStrongholdUncommonGnome
Infernal GenesisRon SpencerNemesisRare
Planar ChaosRon SpencerJudgementRare
Quicksilver DragonRon SpencerOnslaughtRare
Reckless OneRon SpencerOnslaughtUncommon
Renegade WarlordRon SpencerTempestUncommon
Savaen ElvesRon SpencerThe DarkCommon
Skyshroud PoacherRon SpencerNemesisRare
Soul NetRon Spencer7th EdUncommon
SpellbinderRon SpencerDarksteelRare
Squirrel FarmRon SpencerUngluedRare
Svyelunite PriestRon SpencerFallen EmpiresUncommon
Swamp v1, 4Ron SpencerInvasionLand
Sylvan BasiliskRon SpencerPortal 2nd Age, Starter 1999Rare
Tolarian EmissaryRon SpencerInvasionUncommon
Venemous BrackusRon SpencerOnslaughtUncommon
Wall of FireRon Spencer7th EdUncommon
Water WurmRon SpencerThe DarkCommon
WhipkeeperRon SpencerOdysseyUncommon

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Page last modified on February 22, 2006, at 11:01 AM