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TheTome: SynKronosJulTwoKayFour

30 July 2004

Jo and Ardi came over for dinner and Mah Jong last night. Was fun :) Was planning hot dogs, but it turns out Ardi is a vegetable, so we made some soya mince for him instead. Slowly, we are spreading the word of Mah jong :P Oh, and Jo raped us all with a first-turn maximum score (of 300). We never recovered.

In other news, I have finally started playing .]] I've got deadlines coming up, and yesterday afternoon I was sick of rushing, so I said 'Fuck work for the next 30 mins' and started a character. Thanks to the adventuring limit, you are actually only able to waste about 30 mins a day anyway, so it's not too bad. I don't plan on running shops or cheating people out of their stuff, which seems to occupy most of the rest of the Claw clan members' time, so I should be okay :P

PSA: For those of you what are interested, we will be going on a pool-playing outing to Stones in Obs tomorrow night (Saturday the 31st), 9pmish. All are welcome, pretty much.

28 July 2004

Okay, Icon pic captions all done :) And binky almost killed us all again last night, with a hill giant, but after I said 'Okay, that leaves me on -9' he suddenly got very lenient. And this was after pretty much goading us into the fight, rather than having us try skulk around some more looking for some form of advantage. And we are sooooo out of healing.

27 July 2004

Icon was rocking. Check the pics out .]] If you have any better caption ideas, please let me know, either thru a comment here, a pvt on IRC? or a mail. Captions for day three prizegiving still need to be done

* Arg! ICON-sickness strikes! What have I missseed? Noooo! (Hangovers, illness, and sleep deprivation being to obvious answer) Achem, anyway the Comedian's name is Vittorio, Vic for short. For anyone in Jozi go see him some time, he's funny. -LothrielPixie

9 July 2004

Monday night had Jo and Stu over for dinner and Mah Jong. Dinner was a cool green curry chicken thingy with couscous and veges, very nice :) Mah Jong I pwnzed (we weren't playing for money). I got sooo lucky throughout the game, it was awesome ^_^

Tuesday was my D&D3.5 wargame, got some more combat in. Man, a rogue + flanking is hardcore, I love it :) And our warhorses kick the crap out of ppl.

Wednesday night hosted a large movie evening again. We watched ]] and .]] NG I thought was okay, not great, but most other ppl found it totally lame (I think). DR was standard ,]] so I thought it was great :) Wound down a lot at the end, becoming a little moralistic, but cool anyway.

Last night went to parentals for my irregular visit and laundry. Ended up watching ,]] which was pretty cool actually :) Mom made a nice chicken casserole (she always makes chicken casserole, but they're really nice) with couscous (our second couscous of the week :P). I then proceeded to fix their machine some more, and installed ]] and .]] My dad still hasn't bought new AV software tho :/

Oh, on the topic of ,]] there is an exploit floating around, so everyone using FFox? on Windows XP/2000 go get the patch

5] July 2004

Friday night went out with a bunch of ppl to ,]] some yuppie wine bar in Greenpoint. Was okay, not great. Too expensive, too small portions. Oh, and the burgers Julie and ordered were pretty raw. Not what we ordered. Seems Julie and I have no luck with burgers :/ (See 2 June 2004)

Saturday went to a LAN at Dave's place. We ended up playing a lot of ]] and .]] Was cool, even tho I haven't played War3 in ages, and my machine laaags on the larger UT levels. Assault and Onslaught 0wn (but 0wn my machine at the same time). Sed was soooo showing off his machine. He must have such a small penis, if his machine is anything to go by.

Sunday was a sports day deluxe. Frisbee in the morning, GP in the afternoon (Go Rubens! What balls), and then the Euro2004 final in the evening (wd to the Greeks). Fun :)

2 July 2004

Haven't updated in a while. In the meantime, have played Magic, watched some movies (most notably ]] last night - very cool, don't be put off by the fact that it has ]] it), roleplayed (new characters! I liked my first one tho, so the new one is very similar) and been sick. Being sick sucked, but I did get time off work and hence a chance to play CrimsonLand and ]] again :) All good. Only 2 weeks 'til Icon :) Awesome

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