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TheTome: CrimsonLand

Crimson Land v1.9.8

Okay, not that different to v1.9.1, but you do get quite a few new weapons (Plasma cannon anyone? Gauss shotgun?), some new perks (Yay for Ion Gun Master!) and an entire new act of levels. Yes, 10 new levels! Awesome. And they are impossible on hardcore. Oh well, I will beat them yet :) YAY!!! In my recent playing, I have finished everything on hardcore :P Go me! It wasn't even that difficult this time around -- SynKronos, 2 July 2004

Crimson Land v1.9.1

Okay, this will be a comparitive review, so if you haven't yet, read the review for Crimson Land v1.3

1.9.1 builds on 1.3 so much. There are about double the amount of weapons, three times the perks, and infinitely more bonuses (pickups). The extra perks improve a lot of weapon strategies that weren't feasible in v1.3 to the point that they are actually worth the effort of trying out. It has also added the concept of 'improved perks'. Once you have some perks, the improved version of it becomes available, eg Regeneration - Greater Regeneration, or Dodger - Ninja. There are still perks that are completely useless tho - I suppose there will always be some :)

They have also modified the game types, and added some more. There is now a quest mode, where you work your way through 50 levels, unlocking new weapons and perks as you go, making your normal Survival game far more exciting. After completing all the levels, you unlock a new game mode called Type'o'shooter, where you need to type words to shoot aliens, and the ability to go thru the quests again on hardcore. I haven't finished it on hardcore at time of writing, so I dunno if there is a reward for that too or not. Some of the quest levels are really difficult, and I only completed them because of lucky pickups (fire bullets at the right time, that sort of thing :P). No extra bonus for finishing on hardcore... pity

The graphics are significantly improved, with the fire-bullet effect being especially spanky (and in conjunction with the mass destruction it wreaks, a true pleasure to watch). My mouse still does the freeze thing tho, so maybe it is the new nVidia drivers I installed recently. Hmmm... must check that out. This version also adds the ability to connect to an internet score list, but with my cracked version, I am hesitant to do so.

For those of you that have played the game and have not tried this skill combo out, try Bonus Magnet and Telekinetic. It is amazing. A little bit of Ninja and Greater Regeneration, along with Unstoppable, never hurt either.

Get it! Get it! Ask me for more details if you need. It took me a whole day of trawling thru some Russian forum to get to a crack, so spare yourself the effort. Ask me how! It is your destiny...

Crimson Land v1.3

Recently found out that they are on v1.9.1. So I downloaded, and it is soooo awesome, it's unreal. Once I get hold of a full (non-demo) version of it, I will write a compare review.

YetiBe reminded me of this in his logs. It is an awesome and very addictive little game, so named because of the way the entire landscape goes red because of alien blood. Obviously they live in a similar environment to us, and hence also have iron-containing oxygen-carrying blood... but nm that.

It is a top down shooter, where you character's movements are controlled via the keyboard, but all aiming and shooting are done via the mouse, and very smoothly I might add. Basically, aliens run at you from the sides of the screen. Slowly at first, but as the game progresses they get bigger and faster. Whenever you kill one, there is a chance that it will drop either a weapon, a powerup or some other useful thing for you to use. As you kill things, you also get experience (which translates as points), and after a while you level up. This is where you get to choose perks, each perk being something useful, mostly to do with your gun (fastshot, ammo maniac, something like that). Basically you just go until the aliens do enough damage to you to kill you.

Apart from the obvious skill required in dodging and shooting, it is also very important what weapon and perks you take, and that these work well together. Some weapons are great for early game, but will severely hamper you later on. Others are just crap (like the blowtorch). Most people are of the opinion (afaik) that the shotgun or sawn-off shotgun are the best choices in armament. If these can be linked with the piercing fire rounds powerup, you have a true killer combo :) Perks range from always great, like Reflex Boosted, to pretty crap, like Grim Deal (you die, instantly, but get some XP). But play, and find out the perk/weapon combos for yourself :P

Jeezus, YetiBe, Sed! I can only manage 48 345 points, only slightly more than half what you guys got! You sad gamer people! And no, I am not jealous. At all. So there :P (I should point out that while our top scores are 97 000 in both of our cases second highest score is around 65 000. After a bit of practice you can get this regularly, but to pull off a 90+ you have to pick up firey piercing bullets just as they swamp you - YetiBe)

There is also another, far less played, mode to the game - survival. You get an auto rifle (I think) and thousands of really fast aliens run at you right from the start. You get to see how long you can go until you get munched. I managed 26 seconds only, so whatever! Career mode (the usual mode) is far more fun.

The only technical issue I have had with the game is that my mouse periodically freezes. The k/b still responds normally (although at other times it freezes too), so it's not a complete game freeze. Oh, and the aliens still come at me, I am just usually shooting off in a random direction, or running fixedly into a mob of critters. Annoying, but not frequent enough to stop me playing.

Fucking great, get it now!

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