From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: ShadowsBlag

My Life - ShadowsLight

A study of an Urban Middle Aged Male Homo Sapien, in his Natural enviroment and the trials and tribulations he encounters in daily life

<small> Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or firms is purely coincidental</small>

30 August 2004

Apparently, the reports of my TV's death were greatly exaggerated. Apparently, my TV was only mostly dead. So I took it to Miracle Max on Friday, and it came back to me that afternoon.

And so we finally got to see the Punisher... and now we understand why the TV tried to commit sepuku. Gods... avoid this movie... or better yet, go rent the Dolph Lungren version.

So yeah... I haven't been getting much sleep this week... due to KoL? (obviously), and an old girlfriend who is now living in a new place and is not enjoying the transition from a house crowded full of people to a place on her own... so she has needed comfort... enter one geek with no self esteem...

 Ugh, an Offspring reference -- SynKronos 
  Yes, and if I thought it was appopriate to mention that someone had hit me one more time, I'd include a Britney reference. So there -- ShadowsLight

I really wish I could find a person who was actually good FOR me...

On a different note, we had the first major combat against the Werewolves my character has been in, since getting his new hollow point ammunition with the silver powder inside it... DAMN! 2 rounds, 4 shots, 4 very messy, very dead Garou. I like these new bullets.

And this morning I had one of those moments that fly past and you only realise afterwards that you missed an oppertunity you will never get again. There was a knock at my door. So I went to answer it and the loveliest girl I have ever seen was just standing there... "Um are you Devon?" she asks. Now... the right answer in this situation is "Yes. I've been expecting you. Come on in."

The wrong answer is "No. Sorry. He probably lives next door."

You don't even need to guess what I said. argh

"Ray, if someone asks you if you're a God, the answer is YES!" -- ShadowsBrother

In my next life, I am coming back as a dumb blonde bisexual woman with big breasts. Although, with my luck, I was Marilyn Munroe in a past life and she decided that she would come back as a fat balding Jewish geek who never dig drugs, or did anything wild... Damn you Marilyn, Damn you!

20 August 2004

Argh... take 2! Let's hope I save this time...

Many thanks to all those people who tried to help celebrate the 1 year anniversary of TNM. Of course, as some of you may all ready know, things did not go quite as planned as my TV set decided to just up and die on me. Someone suggested that it might not be dead, just resting. Well... it was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. It's passed on! This TV is no more! IT has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet it's maker (in this case, a Telefunken Rep in Ndabeni)! It's a stiff! Bereft of power, it rests in peace! If it hadn't been nailed to the perch it'd be pushing up the daisies! It's electronic processes are now 'istory! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! IT IS AN EX-TV!!

It's a good thing I had bough the pizzas for everyone myself (my little treat for coming to the anniversary party), or there may have been a riot.

Yeah... I'm still a little blue that the evening was such a dud. But at least we got to play Chez Geek, and I even opened the first add-on pack, "Slack Attack".

Oh... and for all you ~KoL? addicts out there... read, weep and marvel at:

19 August 2004

With all this angst and anti-angst flying around the wiki these days, I can't help by remember this Sexy Losers Cartoon (ps. I've edited it to run sideways and not down, because I dislike comics that run down)

Speaking of angst... you are coming to the anniversary of TNM tonight, right? I hear we might be watching the new "Punisher" movie.

18 August 2004

My KoL? obsession is on the wane. I now no longer play any of my multis, and I am only playing my main character. But while I was equipping my PvP? potions, I got this, which I thought was kinda funny:

And tomorrow is my Anniversary of TNM. There will be something special for the regular attendees ;-)

11 August 2004

Dragonfire Recap

Friday Afternoon:

I was a little dissapointed to miss out on the ~InSpectres demo (I said I'd be there a little late because of the munchkin demo, and when I turned around the demo was over), but I made it up with the ~ShadowRun? Clix demo. Man, those figures are fun (and they break damn easily... buggerit). G-Dogg died but his team ultimately won (thanks to Pat and Conrad deciding not to win by just running away).


I was roped into Steam Turtle as Garrick had forgotten that he had playtested the module. It was great fun, but EVERY single plan we made, got ruined by at least one of us before the plan had even been put into action. It was great fun.

In the afternoon, there was much mixing and matching and bribing of organisers to get the makeup of the team right (Adam had over slept and we needed to find an entire team to move the person who was assigned into my team into another team). In the end, it all worked out and we got to play a seriously sick and twisted module. And I just need to ask the UA fan boys (and girls) in our community... who in their right mind would ever want to play a whatever-mancer that I played (the luck guy)???? He had to put his life in a pointless life-threatening situation just to get a major charge!! Argh!!!

After the module, Nenad came up to me and asked if I could run a quick Chez demo with his newly aquired Chez Goth game. So I pulled in Adam, two visitors from Durban (Diana and her husband/boyfriend/Live-In S.O.) and was also joined by Rolf. It started off a little slowly, but soon people were really getting into it. We had to call the game off, as Adam and I had 20 minutes to:

  1. Finish eating our pizzas
  2. Drive to Sea Point to let Adam change into his LARP costume
  3. Drive to Town to let me change into my costume, and pick up my character sheet which I had not read yet
  4. Get back to the Richard Luyt Room before the Ever After LARP started

Which we managed to do in 21 minutes. W00t!

The Ever After LARP was also great. And it seems that most people believe Tai and Brendan need psychological help... I think Michelle also needs some help. I will never be able to read a fairy tale in the same innocent light again ;-)


Ok, I was about an hour late for the Munchkin tournament... which was OK, cos I had said that there would be no penalties for anyone arriving late to the Munchkin tournament (read my virtues and flaws for real life in the latest ~ClawMarks? for the reason why). The tournament got underway, and I was soon roped into the second game to make up the numbers.... THREE hours later, that little game ended. It was to level FIVE people... let me repeat, THREEEEEEEEEEE HOURS later, it ended. Of course, I won ( Muhaha! You people are so lucky I am not allowed to play competatively ). Not before I was severly screwed over many times. Let me just tell you about one of the times. At about the end of the first hour I drew the Change Sex curse. I was then female for the rest of the game... and it never affected anything... I did not come up against any monsters that liked or disliked females, I never got any female only treasure... nothing. Then, near the end of the third hour, I saw that Dave Campey had the Broad Sword (only useable by females). So I traded a "+5 in combat to either side" card for the sword. And before I could even equip it, Kim trapped me with the Chromosone Change trap... which meant I was Male again!!!! Argh! Thank goodness she did not do that during combat, where I would not only have been at a -5 for that combat, I would also have lost the use of my +3 Broad Sword (which is what I would have done... yeah, now you know why you are lucky I can't play competatively).

And since my date cancelled on me, we got to play until 9pm. Which is when people started organising a trip to Canal Walk to go watch Chronicles of Riddick. Which was a very shiny movie, and loud... which was good because I kept falling asleep due to severe sleep deprevation.


The Munchkin tournament continued. Only one new player joined up, a former magic player, Sed. In his first game, he beat the current record for a finish. His second game he finished really high as well. In two games, he was nearing the leader board. By his fourth game, he was at the top of the leader board. Only an incredibly Munchkin move at the end of Alex's last game stopped him from ending at the top. As it was, Alex's Demon Possesed Mook was enough to see him at the top of the leader board at the end of the round robin games. The final standings were Alex, Sed, Adam, Dave Campey.

It was then time to start the final. But before that got started, some Munchkin moves were afoot. First, Campey decided to get in on the "+1 to all die rolls", and bought a ~SchpatConIV? shirt from Pat. Since he had PAID money for the shirt, I let him wear it in proxy. Then Alex decided to start using his bookmarks, and got Pat to run to his car (TWICE, since Pat brough the wrong bag the first time) to get his bag that had the bookmark. Unfortunately, the bookmark's only power was to stop another bookmark from being used, and since no-one else had any bookmarks, it was pretty useless.

That was just the start of the comedy of errors that was the Munchkin Final. In total, 4 glaringly bad errors were made by each of the finalists. In order, they were:

  1. Alex's Error: AFTER Campey and Adam had charmed the high level monster away, to get it's treasure, Alex wandered in a low level monster they could easily kill. So not only did Campey get the level for the low level monster, they also got all the treasure from the high level monster AND the low level monster.
  2. Adam's Error: In an attempt to stop Sed from stealing an item from him, Adam played the "Senseless Act of Kindness GUAL" card. The card states that if you give away the item giving you the highest bonus to one of your rivals, you go up a level. He thought he could give away the item (that was in his backpack) that Sed was trying to steal. He ended up losing his +4 Mallet of St EEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUWWWWWWW. This was especially bad, as in his next combat, Sed played the "Undead. +5 to level of monster" card. If Adam had still had his Mallet, he would have been +4 up, and could have thrown in three arb cards for a +9. In the end, he had to run away.
  3. Campey's Error: Campey got hit by one of the worst curses in the game, the Hungry Backpack curse. This curse makes you roll a die at the end of your turn. On a six, it goes away. Anything less than a six, and you lose that many cards out of your hand. So at the end of his turn, he rolled a 4 (which turned into a 5 due to his recently acquired ~SchpatCon? T-Shirt), and lost the 3 cards he was holding in his hand... which were two alley cards and a WISHING RING!!!!! Eventually, he did get rid of the backpack when he rolled a 5 (that turned into a 6 due to his recently acquired ~SchpatCon? T-shirt).
  4. Sed's Error: Sed had both the Thief and Warrior equipped for most of the game. None of the other players noticed (even though most of the audience were biting their tongues trying desperately not to blurt out the mistake) until he got into his final combat. And since he had used his Thief abilities, but never used his warrior abilities, he lost warrior.

Luckily, no-one could do anything to stop him from winning the last combat, and so Sed won the Munchkin tournament. I think I get one extra MiB? point for converting Magic players ;-)

After Party

What can I say? I think the only person who was fined for being late was Antonio... who was fined one hour of crazed roleplayers buying Da HOOOOOOOCH!! In the end though, it was pretty cool. I am still waiting for my "Thank You" for getting more prizes out of SJ Games than in any other year, and for running the Munchkin tournament.... but I am patient. I am sure it will come... eventually... you know, at the end.

Oh... and while all of DragonFire? was going on, I was still KoL?'ing. It was an incredibly tumultuous time in the Kingdom of Loathing, and I managed to spend 2 million meat on incredibly cheap items that used to be expensive, get myself a drunkedness of 92 (see below), and then make 5 million meat. I am not sure how much longer I can stand to play this game...

08 August 2004

Damn, it's been a while since I blagged...

OK... quick recap:

OK... now that that waffle is out of the way, let me get to the point of this entry:

My KoL obsession.
Yes, it is bad. I make no excuse. But sometimes, you have a good day. Like today... There was a bug found and exploited to shit by the finders. It let the exploiters duplicate any item they chose as many times as they wanted. They started duplicating Hell Ramens. They then started selling them for 12000... some people then started selling theirs for 11500. I managed to buy up 100 hell ramens before the market restored them back to 18000. I also managed to pick up 1000 Roll in the Hays for 500 a shot, and 3500 Salty Dogs at 69 a shot. I spent over 2 million in meat today... Look at this result of todays spending (and no, this was not a cheat, it was gotten legitimately):

You should be seeing my name on the Drunkedness leader board tomorrow..... And here is the confirmation:

yeah, I might not be able to catch you Stu, but try beat that !!!


Buttsex! Da hooooooch!
Go web! ...
Angry Dragon!

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