From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: InSpectres

A brilliant game by Jared Sorenson, written to encourage a lot of player participation...

For a sample of play, check out: , it will give you a much better idea of the game than I could here.

In short: Demons, vampires, etc exist, and people know about them.

The players will play members of a franchise of InSpectres, a company specialising in dealing with such things. I prefer 'normal' characters (e.g. Ex-Car mechanic looking for a chang in career).

In this game, the players have alot of influence on the setting, story and background, so I will need some creative people to play with. The stories in InSpectres run almost entirelly as player driven. Read the link above, and things will make much more sense.

We will play on Tuesday evening.

Anybody who wants to play, please email Nenad (, with a character concept, or if you have any questions. (You could also simply post here)

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM