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TheTome: SchpatWars

~SchpatWars: (~SH paht wors) N:

1) when schpat subdues the hostile witness.
2) the new stars! game. schpat found it cheap and al is hosting it.

basically this is the universe page. put up whatever you want. reveal your race or not as you see fit. we know who is playing but we may not know who is playing which race so...

1: major posts should be by schpatwars players only (comments and little critiques anyone can post) 2: be nice... in character (race) posturing is fine... character attacking is not
3: no deleting other peoples' posts. i ( ZenStar ) will mediate this page. if you want something removed then contact me about it... i'll be playing the sintarri (if my race file was done correctly). i'll also check on the page every now and then and clean it as i feel fit. 4: there is no rule 4
5: ~NO ~SCREAMING 6: no bitching (stronger form of rule 2)
7: news from the host takes precedence and is left above other news 8: only the host or folks authorised by the host (please sign as the host) may post under the heading "news from the host"

players (add yourself if you wish)

2 February 2004:

 vote for patch passed.... please note that we will be upgrading to 2.70j and not 2.70i.
 The patch and instructions will be mailed on WEDNESDAY. Don't do anything untill then.

30 January 2004:

 some folks have made mention that they would like to run the new 2.70i patch. I am happy to do this... but we will have to do this all on the same turn.... Please DO NOT run the patch without my say so. And when I say so everyone thatdoes not run the patch will loose turns. I will leave the vote here untill MONDAY 2 FERUARY 2004 (see below). If by then there are insufficent no's to stop me I will start making preparations to run the patch. you will not be required to find the patch as I will send you a copy via mail when the time comes
22 January 2004: (year:2406) 1- we regret to inform garrick that his turn did not arrive today. i aint gonna bitch 2- Guys please secure your turns with a password if you have not done so already 3- every one needs can supply me with a secondary email address as my hosting application does support this. Dave you MUST supply me with one asap
20 January 2004: (year:2404) Ok so I fucked up. Most of you will have received 2 turns by email today.... one for last turn (2403) and this turn(2404) please make sure that you play the right turn.
19 January 2004: (year:2403) great stuff we all made it. We extend our deepest regrets to Garrick who missed his last turn -that's how we don't bitch i was wondering if i should send the email details of all players to all players, in the hope that we can get some politics flowing faster.
14 January 2004: (year:2400) ok we have started. great. i was worried there for a second when one loss-kop did not have his race file in on time. but we sorted it out without too many problems. lets hope that all the turns come back tomorrow.

30 January 2004

Vote: Do You wish to run the 2.70i patch on the game.
yes - Ork_Khrist yes - CryoPhobia
yes - SchpatOhEight yes - Archie - The Ruacks
Yes - SynKronos, Grand Nabob of the Artenic yes - Decoy
whatever - ZenStar dito - BabyAcid, The Shadowling Emperor

27 january 2004

a new treaty organisation has been formed. It's Called ARTO.... click on ARTO and check it out!

19 january 2004 (part the second)

sintarri intrest post:
~VOTE: do you think schpat's race should be renamed the schpatula ??? yes - ZenStar
yes - Ork_Khrist yes - Host gross abuse of power detected (oi that's two votes - SchpatOhEight)
NO - SchpatOhEight

19 january 2004

VOTE: do you want the host to distribute player email addresses to the players.
results: motion passed on account of idiot host please contact the host to receive email addresses if you don't have em.

16 january 2004

some new rules added. please read them and comply.
if someone misses their turn it's to their own disadvantage... as for bitching and complaints: create a bitching and complaints page and run it if you want to.
things are gonna take a while to get interesting.... btw: i am player 1... if you need to contact me you can through your turn file (the emaily thing)...
that is all.

 * ZenStar / Sintarri
The 'bitching' was posted here at the behest of the host, so if you have a problem with it, speak to Alastair -- SynKronos

The 'bitching' in question was in reference to missed turns..... lets make all future 'bitching' more of a gentle reminder to players to get their turns in on time. -- GobLin

15 january 2004 - turn 1 handed in.

well revealing your race doesn't really reveal much here.
until a race is met it looks like we are just anonymous playerX (where X is a number)
and since we're all using custom races it doesn't reveal strengths/weaknessess either. the first turn was quick and pain free and the universe looks big enough for all of us
(for now at least) i don't think i'm ready to reveal my homeworld just yet though
is anyone going to set up some sort of trade post / feul stop? well... catch you in space

 * ZenStar / Sintarri

the official page of this game can be found @

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM