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CLAWs? very own blasphemous tome of eldritch horror, detailing the very personal details of CLAWmembers themselves. (1d4/1d8 SAN)
The full list is available to the executive.
There is a less detailed list for the rest of the committee and
individual contact details are available to all other members.
The List o' Souls and all personal information is jealously guarded.
You are categorised!
- As a CLAWmember if you is.
- As an ExMember if you was.
- As a Groupie if you've hung around
- As an Uber-groupie if your name is RobynSaul.
- As OOK, if you're AdeebBalla?.
- As life if you're JessicaTiffin.
- As a Semi-groupie if you're the significant other of a CLAWmember or exCLAWmember or Mark was just looking for an excuse to include you on the list.
- Or perhaps as nothing at all.