From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: HumptyRants

Anyone who leaves their Cell Phone on during a movie

Ggnnngggnnnngngn! They inspire Rage! (Note the capital R and the !)
Why? Why God? Why? You are there to watch a movie, NOT to sms your friend or worse yet, talk to them. A few years ago it wasn't a problem if people smsed each other. As long as the phone was on silent it didn't bother anyone. Why? Because the backlight on older phones is rather dull by today's searchlight-like backlight standards. There is very little worse than being half blinded by some complete moron FIVE rows in front of you. The new Cell C advert asking that phones be switched off goes some way to describing what I would like to do to those who don't. But unfortunately assault charges are a little difficult to defend when you are found standing holding the erstwhile cell phone users spinal column over their mashed remains.

So another method is needed. I propose (in conjunction with Bevan) that we install a ceiling mounted paintball gun. With a targeting laser. At the first sign of shiney cell phone, BLAM! No more shiney. Soon people will have a pavlovian aversion to laser dots. Bwahahahaha! Somehow I don't think the cinema complexes will go for it. Oh well, I can dream.

* Well heck, they've already gone for ]], so why not? Give the projectionist the goggles, a paintball gun with a laser-dot and scope and send them on a couple of marksmanship courses. That'd make a minimum-wage job working in a theatre a lot more attractive. I know I'd sign up... - GnomeThing

Anyway, Ciao until later.

To tide you over until I can get my arse in gear with more check out AngelRants.

Also see:
NogHumpty HumptyComics

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM