From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: HelpSchpatConnect

Well folks, I hope someone has a close eye on the wiki because I need some help.

This is my situation:

I am curently working on site at Coke in Parrow. I have net access and can surf the web via the LAN. However, being technically challenged, I can't connect to irc. I tried setting the port to '80' but got an error:

"11:21? * Connecting to (80) - 11:21? * Unable to connect (Connection timed out)"

then I fiddled arround in the settings that the network admin stuck into my browser and found under the advanced tab on the LAN settings dialog that it has a proxy set for 'socks' with an ip address and a port setting of '1080'. So I tried setting the port on mirc to '1080' and got another error:

"11:25? * Connect retry #9 (1080) - 11:25? * Unable to connect (No Route to Host)"

So now I'm stuck, anybody want to try help me? reply here or send me some email to

Thanks for the help

If you setup your Mirc client like below, does that help?

Try the Socks 4, Socks 5 and Proxy settings...

Thanks for the help Roo, I fiddled arround with the proxy settings and entered an ip adress, now i get a message that the proxy closed the connection. I don;t hold out much hope now, but if there is anything I could try I'd like to know about it.

Yeah... I never really hold out much hope when trying to go through SOCKS proxies, because they normally need to be setup to allow IRC traffic. Try find out if you have access to other Internet ports, like FTP (port 21), SMTP (port 25), POP3? (port 110), News groups (port 119) or Telnet (port 23). When I worked at Metrofile, I used to chat on LAGnet? via the FTP port (because we had to be able to download driver files off the FTP sites in the States, naturally). - ShadowsLight

GnomeThing: And if that doesn't work, we'll set you up with an SSH tunnel through either Groundy or Hodgestar's machine. And yeah, it is easy. It's really just a case of getting it configured in the first place.

Well, I tried all possible permutations of the above settings and all I got was either "No route to host" or "Proxy closed connection". I would appreciate this ssh tunnel thingy, could you explain to me how it works? Alternatively if there is an html interface to irc that would also work, i assume. Thanks for the help so far, I'm sure together we can get me connected. It's my brother's server in the states... please don't overload it.

Thanks Roo, this seems to be working. Simon, Jason, Norm and I are still working on the SSH Tunnel though.

Well, the ssh tunnely thingamagiger didn't seem to work, but norm did something magical and I am able to connect to darkskies while running this SocksChain? widget. This is all very technical and I don't really get it, I just managed to follow instructions through the cgi irc link posted by roo. I hear rumors that apparently mirc can handle this bouncy redirect thingy without SocksChain?, but I'll try that once I've upgraded to the newest version of Mirc and I have more time.

Again, Thanks to the whole ClawMunity? for the help, it is much appreciated.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM