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Father Miguel Maņos

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You are a liberation priest and revolutionary leader. You masquerade as a spiritual adviser to the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?, although in truth your political involvement is much more direct.

LiberationTheology? is a version of Catholicism that incorporates working-class or peasant-class politics. It is banned in the Church. This does not prevent many South American priests from unofficially practising it. Many churchmen have died for their beliefs in social as well as spiritual justice.

You are in love with RosaCacoatl and know how this jeopardises your career in the Church. Your pacifism makes you appear a moderate member of the RevolutionaryConvention. In some senses you are more extreme in your political views than Rosa, but so much do you hate violence that you always counsel caution whenever bloodshed is an alternative.

As usual, other priests will be at the congress. The priesthood, of course, has no official role in political matters, but that doesn't prevent the factions from sending delegates who are also priests.

The problem is mainly CardinalMatteusSandrea. He is a cruel man who owes his position to class, money and education. He has persecuted LiberationTheology? before with the authority of the Church and you have no doubt that he will do so again. The chances are excellent that if you reveal your true colours, you will be defrocked.

Ideally you would like to expose the Cardinal for the corrupt sycophant that he is - this would further the cause of the liberated Church and, indirectly, the RevolutionaryConvention. And it would make your life a whole lot easier as well. You are informed that the Cardinal organises finance for death squads in the north of the country, but you have no proof. If you can confirm this, you will have CardinalMatteusSandrea's head easily enough.

The AncunaConferenceOnPoliticalScience? usually send a priest, often a Jesuit, from the Seminary of San Theodore, even though this man may not vote. These are mostly dogmatic Churchmen who cannot be trusted with LiberationTheology?. But if you are going to expose the Cardinal, you will need the help of any other priests present.

Because you are a churchman, officially you may not participate in the party. You are not eligible for election to a party position, and you may not vote.

Motivations at a glance

  1. Find proof that CardinalMatteusSandrea supports the death squads and expose him without him defrocking you.
  2. Stop RosaCacoatl from doing anything violent.
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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM