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TheTome: FatherJuanBeneventos


You are the scholastic Jesuit superior of the Seminary at San Theodore. You have your foot in two camps. You are allied with the AncunaConferenceOnPoliticalScience?. Your Catholicism is well-studied and you get on well with CardinalMatteusSandrea, though privately you don't like him. However, Cardinal Sandrea's confidence lends you the ear of the CortesOfTheCastilianDelegation?.

You don't much like the aristocrats, but you are very keen to maintain good relations with them. You prefer the company of priests over the company of laity. The LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty? you view as a means to promoting the cause of the Church in secular society. For that reason, you take great issue with the atheist DrCarlosDavies. You admire Dr Davies for the calibre of his intellect, but never actually agree with him about anything.

Now the country has been taken over by the GuevarianArmy, ForeignGovernments?, through the United Nations, have resolved to impose military sanctions. This, of course, is the GuevarianArmy's own fault. But in the interests of stability, you could well be able to prevail on the Curia in Rome to lend legitimacy to the new government of your country. But only if this served the interests of the Church, of course.

Because you are a churchman, officially you may not participate in the party. You are not eligible for election to a party position, and you may not vote.

Motivations at a glance

  1. Prevent DrCarlosDavies from being re-elected to any position in the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?.
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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM