From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: DrCarlosDavies


The AncunaConferenceOnPoliticalScience? faction in the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty? found their leader in you, partly by virtue of your fluency in many languages, and you easily and comfortably sway international opinion. You are the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ancuna. You are also currently the Chairman of the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?. This means that you will convene the Congress and, if you are re-elected, you will chair the Congress throughout.

By background you are a constitutional lawyer and this makes you extremely interested and knowledgeable about the mechanics of the party. You are an atheist and extremely anti-clerical, as only a South American of Catholic background can be. You get on horribly badly with the Church.

You are principally concerned with getting those wretched appeals to God and the Church out of your beloved party ByOtherMeansConstitution. You will happily sell all other principles to obtain this. And to remove those articles you need to get a two-thirds vote. You detest FatherJuanBeneventos but, since you probably need his support, cannot afford to alienate him.

Motivations at a glance

  1. Persuade the Congress to adopt a secular ByOtherMeansConstitution.
  2. Get re-elected Chairman of the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?.
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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM