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FanFictionYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk. -- Henry Jenkins Fan fiction, or fanfiction, or fanfic for short, is derivative fiction based on settings, situations and characters in popular TV shows or books. It is written by fans of said shows and books, purely for their own enjoyment and not for profit. It resides in a legal gray area - sometimes criticised, sometimes appreciated and frequently just tolerated or ignored by the corporate entities who own the official rights. While most fanfic is godawful crap, some of it is considered by many to be better than the original work on which it is based. To save you the trouble of sifting through the garbage yourself, I have compiled a list of the good stuff. My current fandom is Harry Potter, so that's mostly what's here, but I will try to remember any Star Trek fanfic that I particularly enjoyed reading the many, many years ago that I was a drooling DS9? fangirl. VocabularyBefore you descend into the nether pits, you may find the following brief vocabulary guide helpful - I have selected some basic terms that apply to all fandoms:
Other people who read this (uh, Mike, I guess), feel free to add anything else you think should be here. Harry PotterAn excellent (and amusing) guide to this fandom is The Tough Guide to Harry Potter. And here's The Ultimate Harry Potter Cliche Catalogue. Fiction AlleyThe HP fanfic archive that I frequent is Fiction Alley. It is subdivided into four fiction categories - Schnoogle (novel-length fiction), The Dark Arts (dark and morbid fiction), Astronomy Tower (romantic schlock and smut), and Riddikulus (humour). Spot the reviewer's bias. Here are some recommended authors:
Other large sites of noteAuthor sites
Specific stories (outside Fiction Alley)
Some of this fanfic contains bizarre smut. I will not bother to put up specific warnings, because you're all big people and you can stop reading if you don't like it. This way it'll be more fun and surprising. Favourite characters: Snape (mmm, Snape); also have a soft spot for certain varieties of Fanon Draco. Ship of choice: not fussy; I'll read anything that's well-written. And has an actual plot. Lord of the RingsWow, it's time to dust the cobwebs off this section. Here is a Cool Thing I Found Today:
Older stuff
DrMikenstein? - Thought I'd add to the fanfiction lists, since I also confess to trawling those murky waters. Not like anyone has to guess which fandom I frequent... Buffy and AngelThere's no denying that 98% of all fanfic is crap. But here's some of the 2% of Buffy/Angel fic which is worth a peek. There are a few isolated groups of authors who can actually write worth a damn - here they are.
Available at:
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Doyle Investigations is a pretty ambitious project - a full fanfic-based spinoff series, episodes and all. It's set in the "Wishverse" created by Cordelia in the Buffy Season 3 episode "The Wish" - a world in which Buffy, Angel, Xander and Willow are all quite, quite dead. It's the story of what happens in the world that's left behind, a much darker world than the normal one (since the Hellmouth is open and all). Doyle, Wesley and Faith form an unlikely team to combat evil in Los Angeles, complete with their own rivalries and quirks. It's interesting because it takes a group of characters who had no real connection (Doyle never even met Faith or Wes before he died in canon) and considers the way they might develop in a darker LA. Currently, we're working on episodes 9 and 10, though we've planned plotlines all the way in Season 2. END SHAMELESS PLUG HERE Available at:
Available at: Star TrekI promised some Star Trek, and here it is - three glorious seasons of Star Trek: Door Repair Guy, still online after almost a decade. This spin-off series was written in 1994 by Douglas A. Mc Leod. It is humourous, but has a complex and interesting plot. It begins on the Starship Enterprise, visits Deep Space Nine and, if I recall correctly, has a few episodes set on Voyager. There are many little in-jokes that only Canadians will understand, but you don't have to be Canadian to enjoy the series. You just have to be a trekkie. :) Follow Door Repair Guy's adventures as he is transported to an uncharted part of the galaxy, gets funky Borg implants and enters a bizarre alternate universe where everyone is a giant hamster. And now for some... Deep Space Nine:
Other people's recommendations
Bad, bad fanfictionWhen you've been reading fanfiction for a long time and have come across your share of the appallingly bad, you inevitably begin to wonder just how bad it gets. This is how bad. Warning: Page reacts explosively with beverages. Ooh, the Star Trek! Go look at the Star Trek. But don't stop there; it's all good! Back! Back, you fiend! Back to FandomMenace! |