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TheTome: FallenOctober

Happenings in October 2003.

Thursday 30 October 2003

My week so far: umm, Monday, singing and cuddling panda. Tuesday, did not go see American Wedding with Nadine and Hila. It wasn't hilarious, and I have no idea about Chelle's comments re throwing up (bleugh!). Ahem, anyway. Then, cuddling panda. Wednesday, got home, cuddled panda, went to Hussar with Steve, Jo, Eckie, Jean, Jessica and Beth (Eckie's American Laurel currently visiting). Was goood. Mmmm, fish. Then, cuddled panda some more. Today, met panda for lunch, had sushi! Tonight: vegging. I'm totally ppl'd out. Had a near fight with boss on Tuesday. Grrr, asshole. My agent calls me and says "we have a problem, the DA wants you to start the 21st Nov" in a tone that implied that failure to comply would result in imminent unemployment. So I go to the wages lady, to find out what the law concerning notice period is. It's actually 2 weeks if you've been working less than a year, and it's from the day you give notice, not according to the calender month. So I go to Jonathan, the bastid, and say "I need to leave on the 21st" having asked him before and him saying no, he wants me to stay will the end of the month. And he says "why" and I say "cos the DA wants me to train, and I did give you notice on the 22nd" and he says, in this really mean tone of voice "so, what you're saying is that you're leaving on the 21st whether I like it or not" and I say, all cool like "no, I'm saying I need to leave on the 21st, and I have given you more than the legal amount of notice" so he gets out his book and checks and says "you're right, you could've given me 2 weeks notice" and I say "yes, but I wanted to give you time to find someone else" and he's like "well, then, go". Then I asked for half-day tomorrow! The balls! But he said yes, when confronted with my logical argument that me taking my leave means him not having to pay me out for it. Heh. Jews. Anyway, so hah! Then, I find out today that they're not replacing me! They're gonna outsource all the actual accounting stuff (i.e. the finalising and sending to auditors) and the bookkeepers will only do paying of accounts and levy queries. And all my stuff will be split amongst the other 3 bookkeepers. I feel relieved, I was getting nervous at the thought of having to train someone when I am still relatively new. But, this will sooon not be my problem! (Hysterical laughter) Cannot wait! Stress free! More money! Win win win! That's about it, really. Yeh. Lack of certain ppl lately has led to me feeling bleh, but I'm hoping things will return to normal soon. Hallowe'en tomorrow! Gandalf's! Paaaaatie!!

Sunday 26 October 2003

Just got back from parent's place, visiting my kittie. Can't wait till January, when Phleep and I get our own place and I can have my cat back! Recent happenings: umm, went out to Cool Runnings on Wednesday with Michelle, J and Colleen to celebrate impending new job. Met up with Hendrik and Candice there. Had too many coctails. Hmm, 2 for 1 specials :). Movies on Thursday was kewl, panda came with, for once. I hadn't seen FMJ, but now that I have, I recognise soo many quotes, not to mention song lyrics. It's a great film. Last night had J, Colleen, Simon and Ada over for paah. Hmm, good paah. Then ice-cream with chocolate sauce, interspersed with serious linguistics debates. Then, a maaad game of pictionary! Tense. The guys beat us only by a little, but we'd made a stunning recovery from their half-a-board lead. Well done us! Was fun, must do it again. That's about it, really. Off to do some blackwork now, have millions of napkins to make before the away event next w/e. Sigh, why do I get myself into these things :P.

Later: saw Jo and Steve Legutko, who are over from London visiting. Very cool! I like Steve. He's cool.

Tuesday 21 October 2003

Well, resigned from work today. It seems to be a trend, doesn't it? :P. Neh, got offered a better job, with the Democratic Alliance, of all ppl. More money, benefits, and more leave. Did I mention the benefits? The boss was sad, but really, what was he expecting? My job sucks, the pay sucks, the staff are undervalued. Ok, enough ranting. But, as at 1 December, I will be working for the DA. That's about it, really.

Sunday 19 October 2003

Well, just got back from Sutherland. Was great!! But, first things first. Umm, since last update: work, and arbing, and work. Colleen got back on Wednesday, so went to Pancho's for dinner that night. She was zomboid, but looked good. Her time in the East wasn't all bad, it seems :). Regaled with tales of Taiwan and Thailand, and saw cool pics on her spanky new digicam (damn that Eastern tech!). Such a cute piggie!! I loveded you piggie, i loveded you! Anyway, J looks happy, and I'm glad for him. Means I won't get nearly as much quality-time as I'm accustomed to, but I'll just have to deal. Thursday, umm, not much. Moped, read Magician, ate junk-food. Friday, went to frisbee, in the freezingness! Man, cold! Then went to Gandalf's, mostly to see Adam afore he went. All sad. Will miss him. Had fun. Showed off new top. Cool music, not tooo many ppl, although it seemed they were under the impression that it was a "stand-around-and-talk floor". Hmmph. Alex used judicious employment of elbows. Left early-ish, as had to get up at 8am next morning to go away.

Next morning, around 9.30am: left for Sutherland. Four and a half hours drive!! Man, good thing I'm a sleepy passenger. Only soo many farms I can take. And the cries of "Sheeeeep!" were wearing on our driver's nerves, I think :). But, omg, no wonder ppl go there. It's beautiful. I love the Karoo. It's so empty and clean. No stinky smog or city. And the observatory is amazing! We saw S.A.L.T., thanks to our inside man, Hendrik. Got to ride on it! It's huuuuge! The whole base rotates, and he moved the dome too! It's sooo cool. Amazing feat of engineering. Wow. And it's not even complete yet! It's gonna be amazing when it's done. Then we went to meet an atronomer, who showed us stuff through the 1m telescope. Cool!! So many shiny things! We saw the ice-caps on Mars, and some nebulae, and a dying star. Beautiful. Then, when we went outside, omg! Just wow. And dude. That was all I could say. The sky is just filled with stars. Absolutely breath-taking. We just stood and looked, despite the freezing cold, and below zero wind. Wow. No wonder they built it out there. Great view. Then we went to the guest house, in town, 20km from the observatory. We had a braai, lamb of course. Middle of sheep country. Then to bed. After shamelessly coveting the host's Manx cat, Stompie. So cute! This morning, woke up, had a huuuge farm breakfast, then walked around a bit. For a town with a population of 2000 ppl, we only saw 10. We have a theory: they're all zombies, who only come out at night to eat tourists. It would be a great setting for a Cthulu game. It's like a Western ghost-town. The only tarred road is the main road, distinguishable by the fact that the 3 shops, 2 banks, post office and 3 churches are on it. There are these little stone columns, with the planets on, in their relative sizes and relative distances away frome ash other on. It started with Mars, near one end of town, opposite the cafe. Then earth, etc. So we walked up to Saturn, got bored and walked back, wondering how far away Pluto was. Then we went to the ppl who cooked breakfast for us to play Petanc, or Boules. Turns out there's a little Petanc-playing community there! They hold competitions every year. We played with this hippie-couple and our guest-house host. They are leet! Three hours of that, and my face is soo burned! My nose is sore. So we eventually left town at 4pm, and on the drive out, about 1km from town, we see Pluto. LOL! They built the things, and ran out of town! Hee heee. Anyway, I sooo recomment going there, it's beautiful. I want to live there. Plaas-meisie Jo :P

Tuesday 14 October 2003

Just had dinner with SynKronos. Made sewp, was good. Although, he is an irc hog! Hmmph, pc-hijacker! Does that make him a software/hardware pirate? "Arrgh! I see the IRC-window! Ready the hooks! Prepare to board ship!" Lol. Kidding. Anyway, much talking and eating of pudding. A good evening. Otherwise, besides suffering various lurgies and work-stress, really glad at the impending return of Colleen. Yay! Umm, didn't do much this w/e. Arbed on IRC alot. Went to Paarl on Saturday morning, like 6.30am!! Adam and Chelle picked me up at 7.30 and off we went, zooming into the sunrise along the N1, SOAD blasting. Was great. The class was soooo cool! There are these 2 blackbelts, man, l33tness!! They can do all the stuff Hwoorang can, only IRL! W00t! Was very cool. There's a demo on the 25th, and you can sponsor a board, i.e. you tell them exactly how you want them to break the board (what moves etc) and if they do, you pay them. It's a fundraiser for something. But we're soo there! Was gonna go play frisbee on Sunday, but tiredness. So I will wait for Friday. Better timing, no waking up early. That was about it, really. Arbed alot. Finished Chobits. Very cool! Chii? I like her. Made sushi on Saturday night with Si and Ada. Was goooood. Then went to G's for a bit. Was arb. Eh, going to the dogs. The dj's gf being one of them :P

Friday 10 October 2003

Bleh, yeh, no updates for a while. Sorry adoring fans. All 2 of you :P. Been soo tired when getting home from work, no energy even for net-usage. Bleh. But if you really want to know what I'm doing, just read MoonFlake and SynKronos's logs. They're mostly my time-fillers.

Last weekend was pretty arb, nothing much happened. I can't even remember what happened. Sheesh. That may get me into trouble somewhere, actually :). Friday night MoonFlake and ZenStar came over, we watched a cool movie. Mmmm, malkovichmalkovichmalkovich. Mmm. I like gangster movies. Then on Saturday went to doc about strange lurgy, he says "severe hayfever". Bleh. Once again, I have come to the realisation that my body hates me. I need a bubble. Then Saturday night, umm, I'm sure I did something. I'll get back to you with that one. Spent Sunday with SynKronos, mostly sleeping. Grr, those tsetse fleas. Was cool though.

During the week, the usual: singing on Monday. On Tuesday MoonFlake and SynKronos came for dinner, and a movie. Mmmm, roast chicken and Bladerunner. Was very cool. In bed with two of my favorite ppl. Hehehehe. HBFA (hot best friend action :P). Was very sorry to hear J got mugged on Tuesday night, spent all day trying to get hold of him on Wednesday, was worried. I worry too much, apparently. Then Wednesday night, read Magician, went to bed early. Then Thursday night, went to watch anime at SynKronos's place. Watched Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds. Pretty good, in a tree-hugging hippy kinda way. When comparing that with Princess Mononoke, one can see the director's obvious "little girl christ" complex. But I liked it. It appealed to the tree-hugging hippy inside. Then today, getting in some long overdue veg-on-irc time. But... I may go to Gandalf's later. We'll see, as I have to be up early to go with GeekDotNeo to Paarl to watch his tae kwon do class. Can't wait! Got a new stud for lip, it's soo small!! Saw some shiny face-jewellery at the piercing place. A new outlet for my spending habits! One for every day of the week. :)

Thursday 2 October 2003

Yeh, like SynKronos said, last night was cool. Very relaxed. Which was good, as I'm suffering from some strange lurgy. I love Cara's cat! A beautiful Abyssinian named Aisha. He's my 3rd favoritest cat, after my Mischief and Jess's Fish. Went to watch the Smirnoff Comedy Festival tonight with SynKronos, Vultar and Amy. Was ok. Some very funny ppl, some very arb ones, and one fucking freaky ventriloquist! Man! She needs therapy! Less of the stand-up comedy, more with the performance art. Hmm. Anyway, apparently a lot less funny than last year. I saw some of last year's stuff on TV and I'm afraid I have to agree. The funniest dude was the host. Although, the first guy, a hairy Canadian mountain man, was very funny. Looked just like Al :P. Things going well with me otherwise though. No tiffs with anyone in particular. Hope it lasts. We'll see. Stay tuned for updates. What this means for readers: happy, so no angsty poetry. All together now "Awwww". Yeh, right. :P

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