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Tuesday 30 September 2003

Just went to watch Sinbad. Very funny!! It seems the carrot fairy even visits pirate boats :). "Hey, where'd he get the carrots?" LOL! The ClawMunchkin rules are very funny, but like the Claw Mythos set, while being a cool idea, I don't see this coming to fruition. Alas, for the apathy of Claw members is legendary. Maybe that should be a monster? Apathy Gaki? Bad stuff: you feel totally unkeen on anything, miss a turn while vegging? :P

Sunday 28 September 2003

Just got back from "Fight Club" at Dockside. Was ok, if you like seeing ppl beat the crap out of each other. Mostly kick-boxing and muay thai, but some no-rules stuff as well, which was scary! Especially the 130kg fight. My god, these dudes were huge!! And cos it was sponsored by Mavericks, a strip bar, between rounds there was a skanky chick holding a numbered card. But when I say skanky, I mean like the president of Skankland. Skinny bustless strippers with wide belts/buttwarmers on. Ewww. And the cat calls from the crowd! Coupled with the cries of "Moer hom!", it made me feel ashamed to be from the Northern Suburbs. Sigh. Maybe it's just that I don't know what to look for, or maybe it's that these were particularly unskilled individuals, but most of it looked like drunken brawling. Adam kept going on about how different tae kwon do is, so I'm gonna go watch next Saturday morning. Should be cool. One of the gyms sponsoring this event, Dragon Power, is run by this hard core dude called Quentin Chong, who's sooo triads it isn't funny. He and his gym are exactly like the bad guys in Karate Kid! I could picture him saying "No mercy! Don't disappoint me!". Man. Thank god panda's gym isn't like that. They all want me to do muay thai, panda wants me to do judo, and Adam wants me to do tae kwon do. But I'm going to go for kendo, thanks. None of this "open hand" shit, give me a big stick. Preferably pointy. Hmm, swordfighting. Can't wait. Also, Discovery kicks in next month, so gym here I come! - hey! i just said come take a look! and that sword fighting is only useful if you have a sword... - GeekDotNeo

Saturday 27 September 2003

Wow, what a cool party. The band roxxored!! My boyfriend is in a band :). I'm such a groupie. Like Jim said, all you need is a guitar, and the chicks flock to you. You don't even need to know how to play it, just stand there looking mournful and occasionally strum meaningfully. But the band do indeed know how to play. They were sooooo coool!!! Thanks a huge heap to all the band-members. Yay!!

And thanks to all who came, I really felt special. Thanks for all the cool presents. I'm well on my way to new Doc city. And not a moment too soon. Millions of love to MoonFlake for organising, and thanks to my bestest friend for making me feel loved on my birthday. Love you! She has safely stowed the large bundle of cash so that I don't fritter it away on Caramello Bears and ass. Hmmph. My panda gave me a big bottle of my fave perfume, and a Flash drive thingie. L33t geekhood here I come :). I also got a cool silver ABC block money box from Andrew and Cara, a little bag of cool clips and stuff from Vera and Candace, a box o' choccies (hands off!) from ZenStar, a box of choccies (mine!) from John, a cool fluffy butterfly from Hendrik, a really cute teddy bear photo frame from BabyAcid and a silver fairy from Michael. Finally, much many millions of thanks to the most beloved SynKronos, who gave me a tattoo!! Man, when I said he couldn't weasle out of a cool present, I never expected this! There was much squealing, let me tell you. Well, all of those who didn't know. If it wasn't my birthday, all this scheming behind my back might make me (more) paranoid. Love you millions, J :)

So, that was it, but for the brief sojourn to Gandalf's, which was ok. They played good music, but I didn't dance, cos I was not so much with the breathing. Sheesh. I wonder how much gas masks are? Stinky smoker ppl. Relaxing today, then after some dancing tonight of the medieval kind, off to G's again! Will I never learn? Hope to hell not!

Wednesday 24 September 2003

Well, went up the mountain today with Philip, Jason, Simon, Ada and Andrew. Well, not really up. We were sposed to go as far as the blockhouse, but asthma and allergies kicked in just above Rhodes Memorial, so we went along the contour path a bit and found a nice shady spot with a good view. Had a nice lunch, despite me being horribly itchy from the grass (scratches bumps). And the bugs. Not even cool bugs like praying mantises or spiders. Stupid small useless bugs. Well, I'm sure they have a use somewhere, but getting stuck in cupcake icing is prolly not it. Then walked back down. And fell asleep on the couch in the sun with the cats. Mmmm. Then went to bed and slept some more. What a great public holiday. Took some nice pics of ppl on the mountain.

In other news, there was almost no band for my party. The drummer was offered a place on the Otter Trail, that has a waiting list of 2.5 years! And it was gonna be this weekend. But he decided that he didn't want to let the band down. Thanks Steven! I'm really glad, since the band was the point of the party, and ppl would've been disappointed if they hadn't played. So lank stoked for party, is me! Only 2 shopping days left... :P

Sunday 21 September 2003

Well, went to Roo's place on Friday to play Tekken. God sucked into You Don't Know Jack, the rockingest trivia game ever!! Ok, so I have a slight addiction for trivia games. Then got sukced into IRC. Ok, so same applies. Screw you for judging me! Anyway, G's afterwards was ok. Went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean last night. As MoonFlake puts it "mmm, Johnny". Not to forget the luscious Orlando Bloom. Mmmmm, pervage. And also the fact that the costumes were great! Ok, so I'm a clothes-slut too. And I love pirates!! It was International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day on Friday. The website is soo cool. There's a translator into Pirate-Speak and a What's My Pirate Name Quiz. Kewl. Then we went to Garrick's thing at Cool Runnings, which was laid back. Then went to G's (see MoonFlakeLogs for description). I resent the implication that just because I left at 3am that I constitute one of the "lamers and mingers"! Thanks, Chelle!! Sheesh, just cos we've got 15 years! Lol. Went to Tokai this morning for breakfast with Philip and Michael. Man, I love riding in Michael's Alfa Romeo Spider. Now that is a bling bling car! I want one...

- oi! you know i wasn't talking about you. if i was, i'd have said 'bitches and ho's' - MoonFlake

Friday 19 September 2003

Yeah, so, panda is sick. No camping in Cedarberg for me :(. This is not all bad, though. It does mean I can go to Tekken tonight, and then to Gandalf's. Haven't been in two weeks! Feel strange...

Only a 7 shopping days left, ppl. MoonFlake is organising a new doc-fund, if anybody wants to contribute (she says hopefully). This does not include you, SynKronos. You can not weasle out of a cool present that easily :P. Bling bling is always good, to go with my pimpin' ride and my ho's. Yeh, ho's. Like Bouncey Knowles. Mmm. Anyway, off to get my ass handed to me by Adam, the swine. Grr. Used to be l33t at Tekken, like 5 years ago, when I played all the time. S'true.

Saturday 13 September 2003

Tekken 3 tournament yesterday. Sheeesh, Adam's blurb doesn't do justice to the insanity that reigned. Soooo much Tekken was never meant for the likes of mere mortals. And we watched the Tekken Anime. Man. It suxxors the big one, but didn't deter them from playing some more. Adam roxxord, with occasional roxxoring from Jason and others. Lasagne was good, despite the gloop-factor. I let ppl in at 1pm, and kicked ppl out at 1am. Apparently Jason's thumbs are still sore. I think I'll pratice a bit more before letting myself in for another beating. Going away this weekend, so will have to wait till the 27th, possibly, for a chance to improve. Looking forward to camping, going to Cedarberg.

Only 12 shopping days left!! All you ppl's coming to my birthday, be warned! Presents are a serious business, if you get it wrong you will be doomed! Doomed, doomed, doomed...

Wednesday 10 September 2003

Went to Gandalf's again last night, apparently Sepultura were going to be there. Should have known better than to believe rumours. Was ok, too many ppl though and hence waaay too smoky. Watched Jackass first though, downstairs. I'm glad they do so many stupid things to their genitals, decreases the chances of them breeding.

Looking forward to the Tekken extravanganza on Saturday. Wee! Gonna be some ass-kicking. Prolly mine, methinks. If ppl show up here earlier than 12, I'm going to have to get the shotgun. "Get orf mah land!"

Friday 5 September 2003

Went to Galdalf's last night with MoonFlake, met up with Nadine and SynKronos there. Showed off new lip-stud. It's sooo shiny!! I really like it. Hurt like a motherfucker, but so worth it. Got hectically spaded by this creepy dude, who I thought was cute right up until Dave turned on the light. Eeek! Must be my l33t cleavage skills, or something. I don't remember how many times Duncan asked me if I would let him photograph my nekkid breasts, but the answer was always "no. no! and a whole world of no!" Sigh. Some ppl. But anyway, handed out the smackdown to this creep who was chirping me and Nadine the whole time. Hee hee. Then these two skanky Indian dudes started spading ArchAngel, and they shook our hands, but in the slimey way that makes you want to cut it off. Ewwww!! But it was a good evening, they played good music (some of it four times!) Am prolly going tonight. :) See you there...

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