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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. The tribe known as the Shortlings, seems to be made of two types of Shortling. There are the stockier Burrowers and the nimbler Hunters. They appear to be a kind of common ancestor to what are commonly known as Gnomes and Halflings.

The Shortlings have the following racial traits:

  • They are Small, which means they have a +1 bonus to A.C and all attack rolls. They also have a +4 size bonus to Hide checks.
  • They have a movement rate of 30' per round.
  • Shortlings all have Lowlight Vision, they can see twice as far as a human in twilight conditions and retain the ability to distinguish colour.
  • They have a +2 bonus to all saving throws and A.C, which is a dodge bonus.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Tribal.
  • Bonus Languages: Tribal(Other tribe), Tribal Common.
  • Shortlings have a +1 level adjustment.

The Burrowers have the following additional racial traits:

  • +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
  • Burrowers have +2 natural armour.
  • They are immune to all forms of Illusions.
  • The Burrower's favoured class is Ranger.

The Hunters have the following additional racial traits:

  • +2 Dex, -4 Int, +2 Cha
  • Hunters are immune to all forms of Enchantment.
  • The hunter's favoured class is Sorcerer.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM