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Living: Landhurst Estate, Upper Hartfield, East Sussex, England. (Find Hartfield, head towards Forest Row, turn left at stone dog, take left fork in driveway)
Coming back to SA: End May '04. (subject to workload)
RTFM: (Read the fine material)
- Bastiat's The Law - Why hadn't I read this already? Develops the concept of justice, how the law can necessarily only concern itself with justice without eroding that justice... oh, heck, find a copy and read it, you won't regret it.
- Rudyard Kipling, Kim - A snapsot of an India that dreams are made of. Complete with mango trees and enjoyable accents.
- Hayek, The Road to Serfdom - As in war, so in peace? Discusses the problems with economies of the "State".
- Robin Hobb's work - Simple, beautiful fantasy. (Liveships and serpents, interesting take on magic and dragons)
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, The Grass Grows by Itself - "Gossips" on eight Zen masters.
- Edward o'Hear, After Progress - After the rush of scientific progress, where to now?
- ]] - Headphones, anyone? Find out about what you stick in/on/around yer ears.
- ]] - Respect yer ears!
- ]] - Computer Hardware site.
- ]] - Blow your mind.
- ]] - Where fantasy meets reality.
- ]] - Pro market voices in South Africa.
- ]] - Play chess. (Warning: will devour your time.)
- ]] - my chosen religion.
See also: