From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: BlueHands

BlueHands is me, Shaun of those that people tend to hear about and get misconstrued ideas about(which personally I think is shiny!) this mainly 'cos I'm a Claws Groupie, never attended UCT although that might change if I do my honours in Library field (unlikely at the mo). Other than that I'm into the general stuff that makes people in and around Claws so much fun.

this is the end of the line folks. Above is the link to my blog...happy (albeit confused reading)

7 October 2004

It's back up...woohoo. Can complain again snicker

20 September 2004

I want to climb into a hole and close it up over me. But I'm not allowed to do that. Otherwise I'm in deep merde but hey that's life. Actually I can laugh at it for a little while. Wait it's not so bad - there are many ways out, just depends which one I take.

So, yesterday 4 of us sat down and skimmed through 300 years worth of Vampiric history that some of your are writing. And actually got somewhere. So we've moved onto 1786, I think. So, for the women (No Erica, I'm not talking about you slight hint of sarcasm?) cleavage is allowed in the period. Sorry d@vid, but we forgot to discuss dancing and the like...oh well if I remember for the next meeting.

Garrick's b-day thing at One Ring was fun, Wendy even arranged for the bar to be pseudo-stocked cos they ran out of black lager thurday night. mainly cos I warned her that people were going to be there. Also worked out that I've been Mels' stalker for 7 years or so. Saturday went to see I, Robot only cos Alan Tudyk is in it, well sorta. I'm such a Firefly fanboy according to MoonFlake. Also put some time in watching Jeremiah to make notes. Sunday was spent planning C&C (I was feeling nostalgic) before heading to planning for Illusion of Free Will. There after headed through to Bergvliet for the evening. Now I also have to worry about putting all the pieces of the Larp for saturday together 'cos Fuzzy is in a course this week. And I must order three dictionaries for my library.


20 September 2004

I want to climb into a hole and close it up over me. But I'm not allowed to do that. Otherwise I'm in deep merde but hey that's life. Actually I can laugh at it for a little while.

So, yesterday 4 of us sat down and skimmed through 300 years worth of Vampiric history that some of your are writing. And actually got somewhere. So we've moved onto 1786, I think. So, for the women (No Erica, I'm not talking about you slight hint of sarcasm?) cleavage is allowed in the period. Sorry d@vid, but we forgot to discuss dancing and the like...oh well if I remember for the next meeting.

Garrick's b-day thing at One Ring was fun, Wendy even arranged for the bar to be pseudo-stocked cos they ran out of black lager thurday night. mainly cos I warned her that people were going to be there. Also worked out that I've been Mels' stalker for 7 years or so. Saturday went to see I, Robot only cos Alan Tudyk is in it, well sorta. I'm such a Firefly fanboy according to MoonFlake. Also put some time in watching Jeremiah to make notes. Sunday was spent planning C&C (I was feeling nostalgic) before heading to planning for Illusion of Free Will. There after headed through to Bergvliet for the evening. Now I also have to worry about putting all the pieces of the Larp for saturday together 'cos Fuzzy is in a course this week. And I must order three dictionaries for my library.

>>>>>>> Other version

17 September 2004

First things first. Seeing that I don't know where to put this YET! I'll stick it here for people to see. I give you the Peace in Our Time LARP Blurb

_"...I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that...will destroy us...I feel the suffering of millions..."

Most of you were merely children when the world was racked by the unspeakable trauma that was the 1st Great War. An indiscriminate Kali, it devoured humanity on a scale unlike anything ever seen and when it was finally over, the banner of Victor was caked with the blood and anguish of a generation. While some nations were worse hit than others virtually everyone was without a brother, wife, husband, lover. Reeling from the shock of such an event, statesmen spoke words like "...This...happened once in our time...and it must never happen again."

 The world, it would seem, could no longer ingest the bitter pill of war.
 Or so it seemed.

Now, a mere 25 years later, you find yourselves inextricably linked to a horrifying by-product of an even darker time. Whether commander or captive, a Concentration Camp, such as the one you find yourself in, is the stuff nightmares are forged from.

Join Altered States Live Action Productions for “Peace In Our Time,” a LARP set in a WW2? Internment Camp, to see how the drama of a few good, and not so good, antagonists unfolds.

Transmission ends.

So...what to tell...can't think of anything just yet. Although Schpat is using me to look for larp players - Anyone wanna larp? Will be fun...promise.

Anyway, I'll speak more on monday I think.

9 September 2004

My sister finally moved out last saturday - they hadn't even finished fixing it up properly, but she was in such a hurry to get out. Hell I didn't care as long as she left her computer behind so that I could finish Klingon Honor Guard. Must admit the move was entertaining, I had breakfast while watching her boyfriend and his/her friends carry the stuff out the house. I remembered some of the hell I went through bringing them into her room. Then I got roped into moving the stuff into her new place, a granny flat that they had made slightly bigger in Newlands. A couple of kays from Erica, which didn't please E too much, but my sister's not going to find out about that. At least home is quieter now - no more unnecessary shouting.

The friday before that the church had a fundraiser - they organised for 3 bands to play. Two of the bands were from the otherside of the boerewors curtain, but I liked them better than the group from Plumstead - plus the Plumstead group had MAJOR ATTITUDE, so it was funny to burst their sound engineer's bubble when they tried to rig up something that wasn't going to work and I pointed it out - thank goodness for having a friend who has his own recording studio and having done live sound for almost 3 years. That night ended in the wee hours 'cos a group of us went and chilled at a friend's place after cleaning up.

Got to play with Jo's cat on saturday. I like Mischief, and despite how I like baiting Jo with it, I'm not going to put the cat in the microwave. Saturday night was fun - not only did Yancke NOT call us before coming to pick us up, but the trip to Hectic was entertaining with myself, Erica, d@vid, Sean-Bob and Dirk in Yancke's car. I just went as Geek Goth boy hopelessly in love - okay so it wasn't very original - I was planning on wandering around with a noose around my neck, but decided that was a lil dangerous. Other than that it was fun. I think we all baffled the others, but who the hell cares.

Sunday was spent recovering in a major way - plus I got to watch my friend's HellBoy? DVD. It was shot as a comic book movie and it was done in a cool way AND I'm definitely watching it on the BIG SCREEN.

Also we went to watch King Arthur on saturday, Erica found it acceptable being a fan of the Marion Zimmer Bradley Avalon books. I liked the general idea, although I want to know how a 'Mongol' ended up in Britain. Yes, I know, its' a movie

Point of interest - found out that there's a Jeremiah RPG being released. Thought about it and I'm getting it...yes I know I'm sad. BUT that way I can put my Jeremiah season 1 DVDs to good use.

And I'm going to TNM for the first time...should being fun!

I don't know who's heard, but Wendy, the barmaid from One Ring, works at the college as a receptionist. Funny thing is that she's asked me to keep quiet about her being a barmaid...BUT at least I have somone OTHER THAN Antonio to contact next time we want to use the venue.

23 August 2004

On friday was the Erica's grad ball...which was funny 'cos I think she only found out about it on monday. It was really interesting because we ended up sitting at the Claws table (I'm not kidding) Erica, me, Sean Louw, Amy Davison, Keitley, her b-f, Grant (don't remember his surname) and date. It was really nice - except for the music. But I'm not going to say any more about it...that I'll leave to Erica as it was her night.
After that we went to the Turtle...ran into someone I haven't seen since Technikon, I also found out that he's involved in organising the party that Cass is using for her 21st. Small world.

Saturday morning I headed off to the bank to sort out stuff. Spent rest of the day messing around waiting for it to pass. Oh, and I was reading character sheets for The Manhattan Project After Party - being a marshall for this larp is fun when you have PAPER copies of the character sheets. Erica moaned at me about her's, actually it was the standard complaint:not being able to print the info. And I phoned Antonio about the One Ring twice to make sure that everything was okay - he said everything was fine. When we got to the One Ring, we found out that Antonio hadn't told anyone...but Wendy and co were very nice about it. We were fortunate in having two of the Dragonfire players at the larp playing NPCs?, Garrick and Andrea. So they got to see it being run again, it went in a COMPLETELY different direction to last time. The main reason was because Fuzzy cast people in completely different roles that he would normally have. That is why we ended up with: ASIMOV: First Blood...don't ask. The other observation Fuzzy and I made - the guys in the DF16? run were teetoters compared to the Altered States lot, but it made for more fun.

Sunday was spent recovering from two late nights. And when I got home I found out that my sister is moving out - which came as a surprise but not a surprise, if that makes sense. Beyond that, not much to add.

17 August 2004

I've just had to reorder my Firefly dvd's damn annoying, mainly because I have absolutely no idea where my first set went to. It just vanished into thin air...there must be a dvd-eating monster out there. As long as it stays far away from my Millenium and Neverwhere sets I'll be happy.

I had a lot of fun yesterday: in between work and Chrysalis I had Fuzzy phone me up and go: "So, about saturday, did you book the One Ring?" I went with the W.T.F.? reaction and crapped all over him. Luckily we sorted everything out and with a phone call late last night I finished organising the venue for the running of The Manhattan Project After Party for the AlteredStates group of larpers. sigh It already means I have to miss one birthday party on saturday which I really wanted to go to... oh well. Oh and the invitation to all those who played at DragonFire? are more than welcome to attend as NPCs? like Sean-Bob was. The other thing I discussed with Fuzzy was the running of a larp at SchpatCON?. "Peace in our Time" is the other WWII larp that we have and it is a little different than usual. Just waiting to see what his schedule looks like.

The weekend was quiet-ish. Friday evening was spent waiting for Jeremiah to come on (which meant watching Moonraker and the Olympics ceremony) before passing out. Saturday I had an engagement party that started off in an interest way: the engaged couple were sent on an amazing race type thing to see their relationship re-enacted from when they first met to now. It was hilarious. Then ducked before the braai to visit E. after which I went to the SCA dancing class...or whatever it was - was lots of fun. This time round I left my kimono at home and borrowed a tunic, although if I were to join and create a personna I think I'd go with a scotsman, I'm not that keen on being a catholic jap. The food was also go-od! Plus I think we might be responsible for Eden Studios' new release: All Flesh Must Be Eaten: Dark Ages (you had to be there...what with the zombies and all). I was invited to go with Cass, Liz, d@vid and Yanke to Mercury Live for some goth party, but decided to head back to Erica and watch a movie with her and Neil, Jurgen Prochnow is a creepy creepy man. Sunday was spent being lazy until I went home and watched more Millenium episodes after which I spent the evening with a old friend.

Yaaaaahhhhhh! I get to chat to Erica tonight (Yes I know I'm sad - I'm beyond caring)

12 August 2004

I finally got around to watching the first episode of Jeremiah season 2 last night. I must admit any episode that makes me go 'OOOOOOH' in the first five minutes has got to be interesting. Especially with lines like "God says you must stop running." I've also been told by Erica to stop causing shit - apparently I must not go out my way to mess with peoples' minds...but it's fun. And that way I don't have to concentrate on my own.

So now I go back to staring at students.

10 August 2004

So...Three days of role-playing, card playing and LARPing and all I'm going to have to show for it is a six pack, thanks to David Sharpe and Brendan. *NICE!* That's it! That's all I'm going to say about Dragon Fire 16. W.T.F. Who Am I kidding.

It was fun to be able to put faces to people's nicknames on the Wiki. It also made for interesting situations going: "Oh, so you're so-and-so on the wiki. ok-ay!"

I've realised that I have fallen into a routine when it comes to Dragon Fire - for the last 3 years I have played one module and dmed one module every day of the con. I know I'm not that great a dm, but the interactions with the groups make up for it: I never realised that Garrick could be so girlish, Adrianna so sneaky or Hendri so funny when he lost 19 SAN in one go. All in all I really enjoyed myself, I must have to be able to be willing to be at UCT by 8am until at least midnight. Actually the highlight of the weekend was on friday...I went to see The Chronicles of Macbeth's side kick. And then there was Munchkin Fu which I bought. Just being thrown in the mix for playing modules can be fun or a nightmare, fortunately I ended up playing with some people that made for some laughs. "My husband! My husband!" said by Yanke in Gone springs to mind.

Erica was a star, she went out and bought me Imperial Mints just because I had told her that what I normally eat while role-playing - I had one box for each game from the sunday afternoon game through till yesterday afternoon. She also had fun 'cos she got to dm her first larp, it was the Ever After one by Michelle. I got to play Lara and Phil's larp on sunday, it was fun. Saturday night myself and Fuzzy dmed The Manhatten party After Party at the One Ring. Fun was had by all...especially by Sean-Bob, who was playing an NPC and got roped into the story. (Then when at the debriefing we said we would be looking for people who might be interested in being NPCs? when we run it again; just about EVERYONE volunteered). I must admit, Garrick shuffling around with bottle-bottom nerd glasses on is extremely fun.

David and I'm soooo lucky that Brendan came to us at the start of the Prize Giving otherwise we wouldn't have gotten our theory into the WTF contest. Although I must admit I don't know what I would have done with another dictionary (I already have about four). The After Party at the One Ring..yes. What can I say - I think I had more fun before the doors opened than after.

All in all I had a fun time, God knows that I was giving Erica a hard time friday night - I was like a kid before Christmas Day. Yes I know it's sad...I'm a sad sad individual. So what?

My thanks to the Committee for the weekend, and to the bell boy - mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike mike.

Okay I'll stop now. Besides I'm falling asleep behind the keyboard.

5 August 2004 I remember why I hate running larps, Altered States has to be different. Was only able to start handing out CDs? at 6pm last night. There was no way in hell I was going to spend the rest of the night delivering them (Not having a car is a real pain at times) So I gave them to Michelle to play postmaster. Now I have to deliver to Jean and Garrick (he has disappeared completely). Sometimes just emailing them out can be a pleasure...although I'm still waiting for my character sheet for sunday evening.

4 August 2004

I've discovered how much of a hassle having a friend who has his own business and still lectures is when you want to cast a larp. For the record, while I did give some suggestions for casting, I did not have the final say in who was cast to what role in the MPAP larp. That was all Fuzzy. Now I wait with baited breath for the phone call on my cell telling me to collect the freaking cds...then I can have the majority of them delivered. Believe it or not...Fuzzy just phoned me - taking walk to his campus (400m away) at 2:30pm. Although I think there's going to be some bad news.

That out the way, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my day. I had a chat with the principal of the college yesterday and he said that he understood that I generally had no work to do except fielding stupid questions from almost as stupid students (students aren't so bad - it's when they have no idea of how to use the internet that they're almost stupid)

I got to surprise SunChaser last night(had a meeting in Plumstead last night and she was along the way) I missed her. BUT I'M DENYING HAVING SAID IT! I must admit I enjoy chatting to Erica's flatmate, he can be damn fun when he wants to - even though he's toooo cool to be in Claws. (Erica's observation)

On monday Yanke and David suggested I put a photo of one of the Cthulu creatures behind me...just to scare the woman away from my Cthulhu...I don't know about that.

Other than that all I can do is wait for tomorrow...when I have my moves in KoL? again. Fortunately I can't blame Jason for's all Michelle's fault. She also told me about PIRCH, but firewall here blocks that and the IT guy won't make an allowance for me. sucks!

Now I'm going to shuffle some paper around for a 'lil while

29 July 2004

I just realised that my Cthulhu that Michelle made for me is in need of some surgery...MICHELLE! I think I'm going to have to move him out of the way of prying student fingers, especially the girl's hands - they find it cute. Not even explaining who and what Cthulhu is puts an end to the cuteness. Cthulhu is not meant to be cute!

For the denizens of the Wiki waiting for SchpatCon? and to a specific denizen who is working on a Firefly Larp (yes Reuel, I'm talking about you) I might be able to make life a 'lil easy for you. MIGHT being the operative word. Someone of the Serenity forum has written a Firefly larp and wants it playtested - I said that if he sent it to me I'd see about scrounging a couple of people together and see about P-Ting it for him(I'm sure there are a couple of people around that would be interested...). Still waiting for the reply.

I watched the pilot for Millenium last night, bad thing to do before going to sleep - the comic/graphic novel that I came up with the first time I watched the episode (all those years ago) came rushing back and I had a hard time falling asleep...a person should not be able to scare themself like that.

And I finished Project IGI last night...FINALLY! Yes I know it's an old game, but I only got it a few months ago. What took so long was the last stage - any game that has no save function ingame is annoying. I would get very frustrated when, nearing the end of the final stage, I die after playing for 45min. Still, now I wanna play IGI2?.

Now I'm going to spend some time drawing a broken alarm clock. Why? you might ask. 'Cos they want to stick it with an article in ClawMarks? and I volunteered to draw it.
oh...and work. Mustn't forget to work. Hm...what to listen to: the Van Helsing or Underworld soundtrack???

27 July 2004

So...what is there to tell. Hm... Play-tested Twelfe Night. Novel concept. While I started off being a 'lil depressed and worried that was soon taken care of by one of the other players and I could relax as all my problems were then taken care of. Yes I know it sounds odd, but I don't actually want to give any info away. Although, d@vid if you read this: If Fuzzy signs up for this I know which characters you should consider for him.
Most of the weekend was spent with SunChaser(surprise! surprise!) to meet her brother officially - although I have met NurmRas before (other than at Wyrd Sisters) must have been at the Claws room.

Yesterday I got a shiny new present for myself - Millenium season 1, the second series created by Chris Carter about the ex-FBI psychologist who moves to Seattle. Happy happy thoughts! Oh and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen TP Vol#1. - movie was MUCH better. KIDDING!!!!!!!!!! Now I must hide my credit card away. It's as bad as the Precious - it wants to corrupt me into spending.

Other than that I'm keeping myself busy by reading through the stuff for Michelle's larp - helping to dm the play-test and drawing pictures of broken clocks for ClawMarks31?. Oh and then I'm doing some work.

23 July 2004

I had to laugh yesterday afternoon - when I posted the two comments on BarrenImpressions, I was told that I'm only allowed to make ONE comment from now onwards. Morale of story - don't posted on Erica's page if she's sitting next to you. I know I'm in trouble now...

-:p No. Not yet. I just like to think that my life story should really be longer than the comments made on it. - SunChaser

I was chatting to Fuzzy and we both kinda upset that we won't be larping in the same larp at DragonFire? this year. He's playtesting Lara and Phil's larp and I'm in d@vid and Tim's one (just got the character sheet)...guess what I'm be putting my name down for over DF. And of course saturday is marshalling time for The Manhattan Project Afterparty (which is FINALLY on the website, no fault of d@vid's though)

Still I think I'll go back to staring at the students and contemplating the storyline for my future CON-X game that I'm putting together.

16 July 2004

I've just had a good laugh. A couple days ago I came across which produces a Christian RPG. You get to play a bunch of people running around during the Crusades and fight enemies of the Church which appear to include Demons and stuff like that. Plus some people can wield miracles and clerical healing abilities. Plus there's a couple of reasons why it's good to role-play and why parents should let their kids pretend that they're knights vanquishing demons for the Church. So it's kind of D&D without magic...oops no, there are miracles. So it's kind of D&D without magical creatures...oops no, there are demons (and angels I suppose).

Oh man...give me Con-X any day.

14 July 2004

Altered States is running a larp for Dragonfire. I'm still trying to decide if this is shiny or not. Last night was spent in conference with Fuzzy deciding which one to run - in the end we ended up asking someone, who had played in both, which one they enjoyed the most. So the saturday night (as far as I know) larpers will be transported off campus (yes I said off campus) to the bar we will be using for 'The Manhattan Project Afterparty' (and no, it's not One Ring) That's if we have our way, otherwise we'll be setting up a bar in the Richard Luyt room. In case you're wondering, the larp is set the evening of 16 July 1945, the evening of the first successful atomic detonation. The characters play the 'C' team members (assistants of the assistants of the head honchoes)who have gone to a cocktail bar in Montreal to celebrate. Important thing to point out - this larp will have to be cast before the end of this month - so people from OUTSIDE Cape Town had better get on the horn quickly. I'd just like to point out that we'll more than likely going run this again for Claws and Altered States people in September so don't get upset if you miss it. Ohmigod - I've done a promo...

29 June 2004

After much delibration at work this morning, it was decided to do one of two things
a> make getting out of bed illegal until the ambient temperature in your room is that of your bed. b> use daylight savings time and set back clocks so that we can get up later so that we're going to work when the sun is up.
While we though it was a good idea at the time, the impromptu tea party had to leave the kitchen and return to the real world.

What to tell...because I'm going to a cd launch wednesday night and don't expect to get much sleep, the game I was planning to run on thursday is on hold for a couple of weeks (have to wait until I've got an open weekend). Finally got the pictures from the Illusion of Free Will larp, just need to figure out how to post all 15mb. Now I need to figure out what cruel and unusual punishment I can dish out for the missing reports that people are to send me...don't really want to make up their histories for the next 200 years.

Thursay night cooked dinner for Erica and Neil, must admit it's fun cooking without a stove - so used to having one in the kitchen. Dessert went down really well - marshmallows and marie biscuit sandwiches put through the microwave.

Friday officially finished doing youth (for those that didn't know I entertained teenagers on a friday night) spent 2 hours doing the end-of-term braai, only because out of 7 people I'm the only one that can actually braai. And I ended up screaming, just before we were to chase them home some of the girls came along with their meat wanting it to be cooked.

Saturday morning was spent crushing ice with a axe for making smoothies at a fete. Went to Claremont intending to watch Shrek2 and The Day After Tomorrow, but Shrek was alreay sold out and i wasn't going to hang around for 2 hours waiting TDAT. So I went home and hired dvds. Finally got around to watching Equilibrium and Brotherhood of the Wolf. E was a lot better than I thought it would be(okay I really enjoyed it), kinda made me think of Total Recall a bit - though the son is sooooo cool. As for Brotherhood, I figured out what the beast was very quickly when I realised what was going on, although I must admit I did not see the end part coming. And Vincent Cassell is one lucky sod, being married to Monica Belluci and all. After watching that I decided I wanted to get my hands on La Dobermann, a french anti-hero movie with them in it. Found out how much Amazon sux, 'cos they don't have it BUT Sendit's got it so I'm ordering that as soon as I've sorted my credit card out. Phoned Erica. After that went to The One Ring with my friend Brenton, was his last night in Cape Town (gone to Australia because of a woman...sad, sad man) Stayed there until 11ish then we went elsewhere then home.

Sunday morning played on the pc before heading to the airport to see B off. Was sad and funny. Sad 'cos I'm not going to see my best friend until he comes back for his wedding next year. Funny 'cos he was 16kg over weight and he had to repack so him, his mom another friend and I had to evaluate what he had to leave behind. And he left his currency at home (only found out once he was in J'Burg) Evening went to church (yes I'm a goo-ood boy) although Erica phoned me and everyone shouted hello.

Yesterday was spent at work and then at home. Also phoned Erica. Nuff said
Now I'm still waiting for home time although I can pretty much leave now if I want to. If Erica asks, I've been working all day...

24 June 2004

Okay, first off: next thursday I'm running a once off game from 10am to 3pm (I'm leaving to go on a Chrysalis camp @ 4pm that's why I'm time specific) I'll either be running a "teen-movie-horror" GURPs? game or a Farscape game (yes they made a rpg from the series, D20 system) Will be looking for 5 players and a location to play-more than likely somewhere @ UCT or a living abode if I can swing that. Any takers?

Had a chat with d@vid the other day, he said being a Claws Groupie is infinitely better than being a Claws Other: Groupie does stuff that's importantish to group, while the Other is just an attachment. Who knows, if i get around to doing my Masters next year then I can join, well that's what Erica advises me to do.

So...another day of absolutely nothing happening here at the campus(most of the students are writing exams) I've already been told that I must do some real work and not spend the day sitting on the net(no, not by the people at work). Hm, other than cleaning up the counter, I've already put my time in at KoL? (thanx Michelle for telling me about it) read PvP? and somethingpositive so now what do I do's not even 9pm. hm...time to think about module.

The other hopefully good news is Fuzzy should be giving me a cd with pixs from first Vampire larp...can finally put them up somewhere and look at shiny pix. Will keep people posted.

18 June 2004

And so begins another day of me sitting watching students surfing the internet while I read webcomics. Life is good!

d@vid d@vid obviously weren't in the kitchen, at SCA thingie, while Jessica and I were chatting about Firefly...but the Neverwhere reference should have given it numbnut. When I told you that I had the dvd you said that you wanted to watch it. Yes people Neverwhere will be be shown sometime - Ru's offered the thursday night if I came. However I want to own a car before I start attending them nights.

Yes it's me Shaun Kennedy...writer of larps(with help of Fuzzy) and stuff.

 BTW... I am currently writing a Firefly LARP for SchpatCon?.  If you want to help, I would be grateful. Email me ( miller at xperts dot co dot za ) - ShadowsLight (Reuel)
hey Reuel, I'm sorry but I wasn't planning the FF larp this year. I'm busy with 3 larps as it is, excluding ongoing Vampire larp. But if you want to use me as a sounding board, that's cool. - BlueHands

Lenny is a famous british comedian(yes that one d@vid) who is also a producer of tv stuff. He had a chat to Neil (all bow down) about an idea for tv series involving homeless people in London. Neil wanted to avoid writing something that made being homeless seem cool and cause people to flock to London to be homeless. He had a good look at the names on the subway map and came up with the whole story in one night. And thus we have Neverwhere. Where did I suck this from you might ask...well there's a short interview with Lenny on the end of the audio cassettes and a bbc interview with Neil on the dvds. Okay so I'm a such a fanboy

Oh, all you Cthulhu lovers there's a short story on Neil's site. I enjoyed it.

And for readers of Randy made a honourable mention in Neil's blog.

And so it begins

17 June does the date and time thing work in this???????

hm...I'm been told that my status as a CLAWgroupie allows me to spew forth the dementations that stalk my mind on the Wiki...thought I'd give it a spin

Ha! Ha! Ha! mine is an evil laugh. Now die!

So...I'm sitting here reading Clan BOB back issues contemplating my youth day
Let's see: went watch Butterfly Effect yesterday morning. Was an interesting idea for Time Travelling without actually travelling. Other than that I thought it was an okay movie, for me the way the timeline changes was nifty. Then went to friend.

While I was there I got an sms about a braai. One of my closest friends is heading to Australia to link up with his fiancee on sunday, so it's been a case of coming up with things to do with him before he heads out. So we went there and had a pleasant afternoon. That evening headed back to friend's place with intentions to watch Willow (greatest fantasy movie ever made). Ended up watching the Kumarr's with Lenny Henry, who I pointed out was responsible in a big way for Neil Gaiman writing Neverwhere (a dvd series I have and have been bugged about to have a screening for CLAWs people and associates) But they never spoke about that...pity. None-the-less interesting conversations into the dead of the night followed, so no Willow :(

I was told my status as CLAWgroupie was about to be taken away (a very simple story that will come out one day, but just not now) and that there are some (from Claws) that consider me a psychotic mother effer... Gee Thanks :) And that I must write a Firefly LARP

Which reminds me. 22 APRIL 2005 Woohooo! Serenity gets released. Saw the prelim poster...apparently it's got a spoiler in the pix somewhere

* I know who it is, d@vid. I'll tell you online next time I see you (rude to just post it online in plain site of all the freaks). The Firefly LARP was a bit of a dead giveaway :P -- SynKronos
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